Originally Posted by BrendanL
Ive seen way too many places selling current issues CF kit. I am serving with 1st battalion RCR up here in Petawawa and their is a shortage of kit. I was at a flea market last weekend and found current issued arid and green cadpat tac vest.
I even just saw someone here in the classifieds just post that their selling a diemaco triad rail, that most likely that was stolen from a CF weapon because far as I know they're not sold to civis. This kit doesn't belong to us, and it not ours to sell.
Back in 2004 there was a civilian working at stores in Pet who was on this board selling current issue gear (helmets, cadpat clothing etc) and I had all his details, turned them over to the MPs @ Kingston. A few days later they handed back my info and an MP Sgt told me "we don't investigate this kind of thing as it's too big of a problem".