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Old June 14th, 2015, 13:13   #108
Lego Head
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Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Gatineau, that's right I'm in QUEBEC!
Originally Posted by Scalpel View Post

+1 to the OP
Reservists seem to get all the newest gear, pre-bmq
Small pack system, MK4, TVs, Cadpat gloves. Maybe it is completely dependant on the unit you're in
8 guys on my course had 0 kit issued when they started the course. Many had to purchase boots; even though the WO repeated "I can not order you or force you to buy boots... but you need boots and we dont have em..." so his hands are tied and your boots are blocks of ice as this was a winter BMQ course. Quite a few people who did get issued boots got desert boots which are useless in the winter. Funny enough a good few of those missing kit were also Service Battalions.

Anyway, great thread Koke, and Im gonna end my lil rant now.

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