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Old June 14th, 2015, 11:42   #106
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Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Edmonton
Originally Posted by BrendanL View Post
Ive seen way too many places selling current issues CF kit. I am serving with 1st battalion RCR up here in Petawawa and their is a shortage of kit. I was at a flea market last weekend and found current issued arid and green cadpat tac vest.

I even just saw someone here in the classifieds just post that their selling a diemaco triad rail, that most likely that was stolen from a CF weapon because far as I know they're not sold to civis. This kit doesn't belong to us, and it not ours to sell.
for the triad, due to Colt Canada releasing the SA20 and SA15.7 to the civie market, they are available to purchase from vendors, but costly as i have seen go for 300 to 500 due to limited runs as evident by this:
Love and Tolerance
Coffee, what purpose does these serve?
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За Родину!
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