Thread: Game Scenarios
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Old March 30th, 2015, 16:01   #14
Rossco66's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2013
Location: Burlington, Ontario
This is something that was run a few times last year.

Multiple small teams of 5 to 7 players. Each team starts at a different spawn point and its a free for all. Normal medic rules apply but if a "dead" player is touched by another team the team they are on is wiped out. The killer team starts to look for the next battle. The slain team respawns on the opposite side of the field to where they started.

The trick here was to not get sandwiched between two teams. The game evolved to a "Poker Run" with kill cards being taken from the slain player and accumulated by the killer team. Best hand wins at the end of the day.

The game promoted team work and let everyone stay in the action for the duration of the game. This is obviously for skirms only.

Last edited by Rossco66; March 30th, 2015 at 16:01.. Reason: typo
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