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Old July 12th, 2014, 01:34   #840
Join Date: Dec 2013
I'm having this weird issue with my g17/g18 (it has the guns modify costa kit). Sometimes when I fire it, the slide would blowback and a big plume of gas comes flying out of the rear of the slide and the rear of the ejection port (in front of the rmr). This pretty much continues till i fire the mag until its pretty low on gas. The plume of gas is gone, but the gun is shooting sluggish at this point cause most of the gas was lost during the previous ordeal. Im using the guns modify nozzle, tm rocket valve, guns modify bbu, aip piston lid, guns modify zero hammer, shooters design 150% hammer spring. (the guns modify piston swelled a bit i think cause it wont let the nozzle freely move and the guns modify rocket valve broke). Im also using propane.
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