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Old July 7th, 2014, 15:36   #37
gabriel425's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Montreal QC
Glock expert in here ,

we g19 gen 4- underrated by its bigger brothers , the quality of the polymer is a 10/10
ksc g17 gen 3- feel like the trigger is going to break during a game.
marui 17 gen 3 perfect internals but the lower receiver seems like cheap abs plastic to me

my favourite is the WE g19 gen 4 , its feeling like a little tank in my hand and its the most beautiful lower airsoft grip ive seen by far , i know everybody will say ahhh the tm is better blablabla , but we glock got a LOT of steel parts avaible on the market which make it even more reliable than any stock tm glock or sometime if you are lucky better than a upgraded tm glock , money can solve everything in airsoft !
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