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Old July 7th, 2014, 15:34   #835
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Location: Centre Mass
Originally Posted by MaybeStopCalling View Post
I completed the modification this morning, and so far I have about 50 rounds through it, with another 50 dry fire. So far so good. I do plan on increasingly working in the pistol once the final parts of this build arrive. It is the same premise as bedding the parts in JBWeld- to remove all force on the post.

Part 18, the front rail block, is completely solid in its position. I haven't had any wiggling so far, which is good. At this point, I don't know if the opening I made in Part 18 is big enough not to contact the screw post- Guess it's irrelevant if the screw is taking the force (if any). I do know, however, that that post could explode and the front rail block wouldn't budge- Which is fine by me, as long as my pistol keeps functioning smoothly. At the moment I can't tell the difference between screw and no screw. My concern, however, is how well the frame takes the load at those two pins. It seems QLong's method of pushing the load to the trigger pin has no ill effects, but one can never be too certain.

If anything, the downside of this modification is the complexity and risk. It took me two hours, a dremel, and a drill to get this modification done. It is a modification of the frame in a very, very visible area. Done right, it looks great. Done wrong... oh dear. You lose a frame, the front rail block, and possibly more. As well, purists will freak out at the thought of an extra pin where there wouldn't be one on the RS.

E-Luder, I'm sure you have more equipment and more parts to work with than I do (Fun fact, I would have killed for a workbench and drill press today... oh the life of a new grad) If I instead donate the clear frame and pictures/specs of the modification, would you be interested in testing it out?

On an unrelated note... these things are miles easier to work on than the KSC/KWA ones, and the two stage trigger/reset is godly... I managed to make my roommate nearly buy a Glock based on that reset haha.

TL : DR- This mod makes the screw post irrelevant (Except for indexing during the pin install) and the only concern is the frame where these holes are punched through for the two pins.
Believe it or not, I probably have the least equipment in my shop than most gun techs. I don't even have an armorer''s wrench anymore. Sold it for cigarettes and coolers. 2% ones at like...NoFrills or something.

But i do know how to use my tools well. heh.

You should run your tests as close to "normal" as possible. That means the screw should be present in your tests. This is just normal quality control. Also you should do two tests. One without the second pin and one with it. It'd be interesting to see the results.
"May you fight with the strength of ten full grown men."

Last edited by e-luder; July 7th, 2014 at 15:38..
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