Thread: Game Scenarios
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Old June 13th, 2014, 14:03   #2
Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: Ingersoll, Ontario
Plant the Bomb:
A game mode I played once was basically boiled down to a canister or case in the middle of the field that one team has to capture and then bring it to the ENEMY base. Think if it like a bomb, if you will. If team A captures the bomb and successfully touches the enemy base's wall, then Team A wins. If team B eliminates the other team during Team A controlling said bomb, team B wins, and vice versa.

Black Hawk Down/VIP:
If you have a small area with lots of buildings (shacks and such) then this will work too. Select one player to be the downed pilot. Said pilot only uses a pistol. His (or her) team must protect them for the duration of the game. The pilot cannot move on their own, and must be escorted by at least one other player, but cannot move more than once every five minutes, and cannot run, only walk. Enemy team must eliminate the pilot. This can also be played as a simple Eliminate the VIP game. Again, select a player on each team to act as VIP, and the enemy team must eliminate the other's VIP before the game ends or their own VIP is eliminated.


Select a player to be the Jugg! They will be in the middle of the field and neutral until a team touches them. They then operate on that team's side, but cannot move unless a friendly player is touching them.Objective could be eliminate enemy team, or get to a specific zone with the Juggernaut. Juggernaut becomes neutral when physical contact is broken with the team escort.


Just a couple thoughts off the top of my head there. Have fun! Hope I helped a bit.
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