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Old March 27th, 2014, 05:38   #936
Join Date: Jun 2013
Sorry for the double-post, but since I have updates, it's better to post to share than to let the tip unnoticed in an edition of my above post.

OK, my idea worked ! Alright, it's not a regular solution and the FPS are fluctuating between 330 and 350 FPS (with peaks at 420FPS), and that was my goal. I guess the power peaks are due to the modified o-ring not being regular and smooth. It's homemade with whatever I could use, so it's not perfect, but it's playable !

80EUR saved ! Sorry, Cradle, I've found a way to not require being robbed by you !

Unless you guys are perfctionnists (and that's often a good trait !), it can do if you're cautious with your expenses. Cradle's system offers regularity in the FPS and it's reliable. North Americans can get it easily, but if people from somewhere else in the world want a cheap trick because they don't want to spend too much on postage from the US, use my idea.

All you need is the stock valve and one (or more if you need less fps) size #4 o-ring with dimensions : 4,9 x 8,7 x 1,9 mm. Don't forget to file them a little so they wouldn't block the valve due to a larger diameter.

Et voilĂ* !

Greetings from France !
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