Originally Posted by audi_bhoy
Cradle is useful when you play from 10 to 30 Celcius temperature ranges, of course a modified stock valve will do too, you only have to restrain the gas flow and it's done. I've drawn a 3D version of the valve, but never came around on having it milled... Wanted to do preset fps valves kit lol 
That sounds like it would have been a good idea. It's a delicate thing, those valves...
OK, to illustrate what I first did (and that didn't work), I've used this trick from a french GBB forum board :
http://forum.gbb-technics.fr/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=526 (It's the second to last post, with links to pictures)
I guess it good for V1 bolts, but the V2 is a little narrower in the nozzle, and after a look, I understood why I had such low fps, yet still felt a pretty decent kick : the small plumbing O-ring is too big and sealed the gaz-route toward the front of the bolt and the gaz would have no choice but to go in the back before leaving.
Now I've trimmed (or filed ? unsure about the english here...) this o-ring, and the valve is free to move on the spring again. I'm really impatient to try it ASAP ! I have hopes I managed a decent job on this, or else, I'll have to get the cradle valve, and nowhere to find in Europe. I have to order it from North America, and the postage+tax end up at the same (or more) price as the product itself...