There are a lot (not all) of situations in which you'll find yourself engaging targets much faster with the aid of red dots n such. This isnt just an opinion but, but based on the experience of professionals over years. Not to knock on iron sights, they definitely have their strengths and uses. But the reason why people use them in the first place is that its an enhancement over iron sights in many(but not all) situations. And just note, that when using pretty much all sighting systems, you should almost always try to get "lined up for a shot".
As for being developed specifically for the weapon, there are many "aftermarket" optics that are made to be compatible with the weapon without having to compromise much if at all. So being specifically for the weapon doesnt matter as long as its compatible and if a compromise is not too great. This is really weapon, and optic specific
Also, if you have the option, why not run both? A lot of people will run back up folding ironsights in addition to whatever optics they have. Some people will even run red dots and iron sights at the same time. If you have time, go google "lower one third cowitness".