So I was looking for something I could add to my Sig to make it more unique. I really wanted Altamont rosewood grips but I could not find any in the style I liked. What I finally chose to adorn the crown of my king of kits is three, tritium illuminated sapphire jewels.
I picked them up from, ordering on a Friday (they processed the order and shipped that day) I received them the following Monday. Lets face it... I'm cheap (in this economy who can afford not to be) and when I factored the cost of shipping, taxes, import duties and exchange fees, not to mention the risk of dealing with shady businesses that will take your money and run, the price I paid was more than reasonable. One thing I can not say is cheap are the items stocked at, I've bought from them on more than one occasion and they always have top quality upgrade parts or that little spring you need to get your AEG working and can have it shipped to you before the big game.
The Guns Modify tritium sighs dwarf the OEM ones in quality with an attention to detail down at the atomic level. For example, sapphire crystals cap the tritium gas filled glass lamps, that nestle ever so gently in a silicone cushion, that is in turn protected by a stainless steel cylinder and all this in a size no larger than that of a grain of rice.
With nothing to charge up, switch on or batteries to run out, they work flawlessly. The front sight is large (same size as the ones in the rear) and easy to acquire in any lighting. When it is bright they silhouette just like the factory ones but low light is where they shine (thanks captain obvious) the white rings jump out and the glowing green dot gives you assurance you know where your aiming when you can no longer see white.
While not cheap, like the Breitling watch or Bentley car you show off to your golfing mates or... in my case, hiding under my blanket in a pitch black room while looking at the dots glow, giggling to myself as I irradiate my balls. It is something you can be proud to display (the gun, not my glowing balls).
I also picked up a WE extended magazine. While not as awe inspiring it did up the capacity of BBs and gas, as well as giving a pleasant boost in FPS. Up 20fps from the E2 type Mauri ones which already had a 20fps or so boost over the original ones. I did ended up scratching the frame while fitting the new takedown lever and detent, which makes me cringe when I see it.

I have airsoft that I do not mind damaging but this is not one of them.