That mall is allways pretty empty, but vince is usally there in the afternoon, i think his number is written on the front of the shop someware so if you are going in u could call to see if he is there. I would say that 6mm is a pretty good alternative if you don't feel comfortable buying online, he is pretty understanding of any problems u may have etc. answers any questions you have pretty well, and he lets u look at the guns, pick them up get a feel for them before buying them. he may not be the best choice for airsoft purchases but i think he is pretty good, i have had minimal problems when dealing with vince, and if there are anyproblems they are delt with promptly
just my 2 cents
*Help Choda with his Danish M84 kit, I need BDU's, vest, anything danish flecktarn you can think of, PM me if you have anything for sale!
*Feel like chatting? Add me to msn (