I used to train with an ex-reg force guy who does private contracting in Afghanistan for the american FOB's....I once opened my big mouth about how shitty the tac-vest was while we were over at his place having a beer.
He just gave me a look that said "WTF?" then asked me why I thought it was shitty. I told him because a lot of guys bitch about them, to which he basically said its fine and it works....just like Skeletor said, not the best but it gets the job done and those that make comments like that are generally full of shit.
It's funny, I've had the privilage of meeting and working with some cats who have been around and if there is one defining trate I've noticed its that there's a distinct style to the "bitching" a seasoned soldier has over one less so. And bitching about kit usually isn't one of them....not to the uninitiated anyway.
Last edited by Jbone 11 11; November 14th, 2013 at 08:08..