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Old December 23rd, 2012, 01:47   #12
Vapor420's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Woodbridge, Ontario
Thumbs down Stay away!!!

I'm not sure how their walk in store is, but their online store let me down big time! They had a sale on Ares m14 ebr rifles a few weeks ago, and for $299, it was hard to beat that price! The online countdown of remaining stock had said 3 left for a couple days, and after realizing they were going fast, I placed my order for one. I got confirmation of the order shortly after, as well as an estimated delivery date. ( 5 days ) I heard nothing from them until the day I wad supposed to receive the rifle, where I got an e-mail saying that they ran out of stock, and that my money was refunded. I sent them an e-mail asking why this happened, but recieved a response pretty much saying" we ran out at some point, them's the breaks... " I have never seen such a lack of disregard for an online store as this one! Disappointment all around with their site management, as well as their horrible customer service. Look elsewhere for your online airsoft purchases!!!! These guys are very unprofessional!
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