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Old November 6th, 2012, 05:17   #703
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Beauharnois, Qc
Two shot from my photoshoot for Gear Whores Quebec ( that I'm runing with Jowade and Bill. Photoshoot taking in a studio with my brother. I know there's some ''lack'' of precision like the Manta and the Canadian flag, but all my stuff is FSBEII. Also, it was my last day with my 6 month's beard... RIP :cry:

Anyway, enjoy:

Hope you'll like it.

- ''Se conquérir soi-même, c'est conquérir l'adversaire'' -

- Bushido -

придено на меня, и меня приходите назад на вас
''Come at me, and I'm coming back at you''
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