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Old December 12th, 2011, 21:37   #10
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Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Edmonton
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I believe the PTW's made it quite a bit easier to get them back and forth rather than regular AEG's. We shipped all of our guns and most of our gear down and we had nearly $40k in insurance for it all! We got quite the looks at FedEx with all of our crates when we were down there shipping them back to us. We had a couple people ask if we were Military or Contractors! Here's a link to a hosted picture of our guns/gear at the FedEx office when we trying to ship it back:

It definitely was an amazing experience. We all kinda felt the game scenario was the shits...or it could have been great, who knows...but comms with command sucked (like most bigs games I find...nothing get's passed down) and we had no idea of our objectives or the overall "theme" of what we were supposed to do. So we just eventually just made our own little "missions" and pushed as hard and as far as we could into enemy territory. It didn't matter what you were supposed to be doing, you felt like a bad-ass going building to building and room to room slinging plastic death!
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