Don't forget guys, the purpose of this discussion is purely the technical and performance comparisons, we're assuming cost is no object here.
As far as reliability, though I don't have my PTW yet, I'm close with "team PTW" in brooks. I can tell you, PTW's do need maintenance. You can't run them 3 years straight with no maintenance like you can with some AEG's (or at least it's really not recommended), they all consistently require periodic service. But then, technically so do AEG's.
The story for reliability is the same as performance. Out of 10 fully upgraded G&P AEG's, you'll have 2 that can go 3-5 years with zero service. You'll have 6 average ones that need to be serviced seasonally and have a 30% chance of going down at big games, and you'll have 2 that are just complete demon guns that require constant tweaking and just never operate like they should.
Out of 10 PTW's, they all require the same amount of periodic care and maintenance, and they all operate the same as long as they get that maintenance.