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Old July 18th, 2011, 05:11   #11
Snowstorm45's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: BC, Canada
I've heard about the mag problems with the Tanakas, but I've had it for, what, three, four years? Lol, I don't even remember how long now. Yes, it has low fps, and yes it can only run duster/134a, but I havn't had any problems with it at all. Wait, no my friend (who had never airsofted before) was using it a year and a bit ago and somehow broke the tigger sear, the thing that connects the trigger assembly to the hammer assembly, but one of the overseas sites actually had them, so I bought I think, 4 of them, just in case, but I havn't needed the rest. I'm putting that to his lack of knowledge of how it worked. The sights are really awesome actually, they're precision sights, not tactical ones, no dots. The rear is big and flat with the little square notch like a Desert Eagle, and the front is actually a triangle, coming to a point at the top, so the sight picture looks (vaguely) like this: |^|. Lol, that's horrible, but you get what I'm getting at. The mag safety makes putting the gun away a pain sometimes, ususally I removes the mag first, then pull the slide to check the chamber, then drop the hammer and put the pistol away, but you can't drop the hammer without a magazine in the gun. Then again, this is because it's a "feature" on the real one, so it's not Tanaka's fault

EDIT: To directly answer your question, if you want a practical sidearm that will perform along side TM/KSC etc, this isn't that, but that said it's not a wallhanger, it certainly works, and if you really want an HP, and especially the sweet Canadian one, then get it.

EDIT 2: Thanks for the Triad tips, R. Nicholls had a "Tri Rail" but not the Triad, and yeah, I am going to eventually get this body engraved with C7A2 trades, but that's not a big deal right now. I'm not going to replace it because it's a really nice body, and none of the trades are engraved anyway.
"Who enjoys, wins." - Sonora Kashima

Last edited by Snowstorm45; July 18th, 2011 at 05:25..
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