Originally Posted by HKGhost
My guess is because you installed a lighter spring, there is less resistance so the motor will over spin. Now if you still have the same problem with the original spring, that just means your gearbox is shimmed nicely and has very little resistance. To me, having a little over spin is good as your next shot will be faster because of the precocked.
As positive as this sounds, its is an issue because in my case the nozzle is not staying forward long enough to get a good seal and shoot the BB.
Originally Posted by HKGhost
Also, is the second last tooth on your piston removed?
It is not.
Originally Posted by pokey
Sector gear shimmed to high causing binding with the tappet?? Maybe a shim was mistakingly put on the bottom side of the gear when reassembled?
It was just a quick spring change. The gears were not removed, bushings and shims were left in place during the whole procedure.
Though this was brought up during my trouble shooting, so I removed 1 shim from the bottom of the sector gear and spun it around a few times with some very bad grindy noises lol, so i replaced the shim and everything was smooth and quiet again.
Originally Posted by pokey
Does the tappet and nozzle move freely before you try to cycle the gearbox?
They do.