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Old March 16th, 2011, 15:02   #37
Cifyra's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Mississauga/Ottawa
Originally Posted by T@NK View Post
Chill out man, we were all noobs once, just give new people some time and they will learn.

Iskaryot, the PSed image is kinda...wierd. turns out like a hybrid dog from the countryside, lol, no offence, nice try though.
Lol there's a reason I prefer talking in the newbie tank. Until I get a couple of games under my belt, posting anywhere else is like walking in a minefield. Too bad I also like to share my opinions and contribute to the China section =/

I mean I don't mind getting yelled at or what not outside of Newbie Tank, but as long as your giving valid arguments that would teach me something new. Otherwise, you're just venting your anger on an 18 year old who's interested in airsoft and may actually become a prominent participant or contributor to ASC. In other words, pick on someone your own age? XD

Here, for example, I know there are tons of Non-nato guns. But its still not anywhere near the variety NATO has. Plus, I know why they are so popular, but I was just saying they shouldn't be AS popular as they are. I mean, sure we live in North America, and everybody wanna wear ACU or CADPAT, but it doesn't mean everybody wanna play as the cops in cops and robbers. Also, I explicitly said I knew nothing about Chinese gun laws as well as regulations regarding how troops are armed. You obviously only read parts of my post that you didn't like.

I know its tempting to get irked around people like me posting outside of Newbie Tank, but behavior like that isn't helping anybody if the newbie in question is genuinely interested in airsoft.
Originally Posted by DarkAngel View Post
Basically, think of the newbie thank like a protective barrier.

Once your posts start to wander outside the protective barrier, the vultures are free to pick at your flesh. And rightfully so.

Simply put, if you need your hand held, stay in the newbie section.

Oh yea, the PS'd image is supposed to look weird. But I'm just taking parts from each of the 3 pistols to match the QSZ.
Originally Posted by Najohn View Post
Cool story bro, get a 1911
Hey Najohn, as a matter of fact I love 1911's. Its like a Desert Eagle but actually combat effective. It's so popular even Norinco makes them. Not to mention its stylish good looks 50 years ahead of its time.

Last edited by Cifyra; March 16th, 2011 at 15:28..
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