The need for electrical circuit protection isn't related to Brand, it's related to experimenting with your AEG ((including fiddling around with the ajustment screws, first time teardowns, home repairs, mod's and upgrades ) Anything that throws a variable in the équation...
I compare this to the guys who rechip there cars to remove the rev limiter on the engine... sure they will brag... tell you how much faster and better there car is now... right to the point where they start burning oil 5000 klicks later..
Test pilot wear a parachute and airline pilot don't... there is a reason for that!!
Hey HKGhost question for you, since he's using a lipo will he actually see a difference in ROF.
My understanding was that NIMH have limited maximum output therefore any resistance in the circuit (like a fuse) would reduce rate of fire, but lipo's can dump S**t loads of current and there is no actual benefit to removing the fuse... ((unless you have space issues.. rare with lipo's))
To the contrary because of that... in case of trouble the lipo has the hability to frye your motor in a snap...
So if you remove the fuse... anything happens you got to stop immediately and do diagnostic without really using the AEG because you don't end up with a burnt fuse, you end up with a burnt motor
Any misunderstanding on my part?
Level 3 Directory assistance operator
Level 1 skapegoat
It ain't the years, it's the miles.
Last edited by Sportco; January 31st, 2011 at 09:38..