Ok.... look at foot wear, holster, vests, side arm color
Shoot I was in better matched halloween parties.... one of these guys is wearing sneakers... I say we do a collect to equip CSOR
As for the griffon... sorry can't locate it in the pick, maybe in another one in the series.
My point was that I didnt know CSOR was training with airsoft... closest ive seen so far is FED platoon in St-Jean using paintball launchers as noise makers because of law (no guns in civies hands.
Ps Give me 25 feet of fast rope and I'll rig you something to take pictures..lol
Originally Posted by c3sk
Could be, if airsofters had access to a fast rope + Griffon chopper in petawawa.
Level 3 Directory assistance operator
Level 1 skapegoat
It ain't the years, it's the miles.
Last edited by Sportco; December 5th, 2010 at 15:56..