October 27th, 2010, 18:18
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: Winnipeg, MB
Originally Posted by ThunderCactus
Good; I have night vision
Bad; sucks switching between naked eye and NVD
awesomeness; lowshots game, they had 4 tiki torches up they had to defend. I hid in the bush behind their positions slowly crawling up. Their mortar team withdrew past me and walked within 10 feet of me. Ran up and blew out the first one. Dashed to the next one and blew it out. Nobody saw me yet. Now I'm hiding on the other side of a patch of woods maybe 15 feet deep from a whole platoon. The last torch in the row is already out. Right as they get formed up to leave I run up and blow out the last one. Token stealth mission victory.
That was great Frank!
1, 2, 3, 4, "I Win!"
and I had spent all evening coordinating patrols to protect them!

"If I get snuffed, everything what's owed me is yours..."
"Including stoppages?"
"Yeah, stoppages too."