Initial experience with them is very disappointing. I've only tried 1 of 7 mags that was ordered for my 2009 Enhanced version. Why didn't I order the WA Super mags when they were in stock at eHobby!!!!!
Problems encountered so far.
- BBs are misfeeding. I'm getting about 25% chopped bbs with a full mag. I can only load 42 bbs in the mag. That's 10 bbs per mag that causes jams that requires me to pick out the debris in the gun. One time, the chopped bb got trapped between the nozzle which took me about 5 mins to clear out.
-BBs in mag gets jam and will not move up. Even banging the mag will not release the stuck bbs. 2-3 times per mag.
-Bolt stop does not engage with empty mag. Looks like the lever is too low in the mag to push the bolt stop to engage the bolt.
-Mag is really tight in the mag well. Needed to sand down the Pro-Win plastic logo to let some play between the mag and mag well.
-The paint wears off fast on the mags. These ain't no PTW mag quality.
-Bottom of mag has sharp machine finishing. Needed to put a Magpul onto the mag to prevent ripping skin or gloves up.
-A real pain to load bbs. Nothing works to load bbs into mag. Have to load by hand one by one.
Only thing good so far. They have not leak yet.
bruce: Team Bad Karma-(BK-05)
: Special Battalion East-(SBE-01)