Originally Posted by Dart
and I am looking for a little spice, and something that goes back to older conflicts.
Originally Posted by disasterarea
I'd go with the M60E4/Mk43 version
Originally Posted by Ninja_En_Short
Well, the thing for choosing between E1 and E3/MK43 is the balance
Is this the M60 discussion thread?
The E1 isn't the same as the "VN" or plain old M60. It's debatable that the E1even entered production.
E4 / MK43 was developed primarily in the 1990's.
The OP states he is looking for a gun that is multi era.
Back on topic.
I will +1 myself and say you should try handling a Cyma Thompson again. The sights on it are excellent for airsoft. You have lots of mag choices (60rd lo, 110rd mid and 190rd hi cap) readily available.
The price is very very good. Wood kits are available. And you can definitely game with it out of the box.
Edit: I really dislike the "T" stock on the aeg sten. The pistol grip or the wire stock are preferable. The RS ones are readily available. However you'll have to mod it to fit. The AEG stens do not have a spring return cap like the RS Stens do. The are fixed to the body by a screw.
MP40. I have played a handful of WW2 games the last 12 months. Honestly can say I haven't seen one Axis player game with one. The STG44 is THAT much better.