I think what he means by hop up block is the metal unit. The CA ones are supposed to fit but are scarce at the moment. My hop up works decent but not stellar. However I won't be putting in a TB either. I want to keep it "raw" and not make it into a lazer with a 4K BB reservoir.. To each their own.
The A&K M60 carry handle is pot metal. Consider it a decoration and not functional.
The STG 44 is ok. I have one. The metal its made of is suspect. But the internals are upgradeable from what I have read. Factory mags are hi cap only. Some peolple have modded them to mid cap by using an MP5 mag inside the STG44 IIRC.
The STG 44 is sorta global. The US confiscated a few in Iraq early on. Post WW2 it was mostly used by Warsaw Pact LE and similar forces.
The AGM MP40's are like snowflakes. No two seem to be the same. I don't like them. They are creaky and underpowered. Some suffer from air seal problems. I don't like shooting mine.
I'd like to say I like KA FN Fals. But I have had four of them through my hands this year. 2 were fine out of ther box and the other two were lemons. They were all long lenght paras from UNCompany. I think others have had better success with either of the two carbine versions.
Originally Posted by Aper
Anyways, it's not my problem. Enjoy your overpriced shaving acessories.