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Old October 8th, 2010, 11:18   #2
shiftsup's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: Kitchener, Ontario
Hey Dart,

I own every gun that you mentioned except the PPSH-41.

The A&K M60 , the Sten, the B.A.R and the MP40 (to a much lesser extent) are skirmishable.

The Marushin Garand is fun to shoot. However it's 8mm with clips that pop out when empty. Good luck.

However, I'd love to have a WW2 game where one side had TW 98K's and the other had Marushin Garand's.

The A & K M60 and the VFC B.A.R both allow for a quick spring change. However, you have to remove the gearbox first. 4 screws removed on the M60 and the GB is free. You have to field strip the B.A.R to get to the GB.

The hop rubber and nub on the M60 are garbage. The M60 weighs is at ~20 lbs. Replace the hop up immediately. If you use the carry handle it'll break. There have been critical reviews of the box mag. I haven't had any problems with mine yet (+10,000 bb's so far). Mine was a bit wobbly when it arrive. Loctite and tightening some fasteners did the trick.

The 500mm stock inner barrel on my VFC B.A.R was too short making this AEG ridiculously under powered and inaccurate. I replaced mine with a PSG length 6.03 TB and it shoots great now. The VFC BAR is very very very solidly made.

Uncompany and had VFC BAR Hi Cap mags in stock last time I checked. Never seen a BAR mid cap mag in stock anywhere.

I have a Viva Sten. I changed it into a Sten Mark 2S combining airsoft parts with RS parts. The Stens are gameable out of the box but their range and accuracy aren't the best IMHO but they are nice little shooters nonetheless.

The Cyma Thompson M1A1 is your best bet for a multi era ASG since has been used in conflicts from pre WW2 all the way to Bosnia and I wouldn't be shocked if some have been confiscated in Iraq and Afghan. Cyma Thompsons are highly skirmishable out of the box and are relatively easy to upgrade and mod (wood kit furniture etc)

I recommend (in particular order) the Cyma Thompson, the A & K M60 then the BAR and finally the Sten.

I have a WE M14 too. I haven't had a game with it yet. It seems ok but not sure about longevity since it reminds me of my broken Marushin M2 Carbine when I shoot it. At least there will be plenty of after market parts for the WE M14.
Originally Posted by Aper View Post

Anyways, it's not my problem. Enjoy your overpriced shaving acessories.

Last edited by shiftsup; October 8th, 2010 at 12:19..
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