Dart wants a new toy.
Hey guys,
So with the sale of my AK47 I am on the hunt for something new and great.
I am looking for an AEG as one GBBR is enough for me. I also want something that can cover multi conflict. IE a Sten was used in ww2, korea, and all the way up into vietnam. What ever I get I want to be able to do a full kit, so the proper side arm will be nice to be able to acquire.
So far I have it narrowed down to a AGM sten *dunno about that AGM part* a Ares PPSH-41, a A&K m60, a BAR *supply seems to be an issue with these*, a Garand *again supply but not impossible and yes I know this is a GBBR...* mp40 *these were used early early in vietnam and korea... plus of course WW2*. I do not want a sniper rifle as I already have a VSR money pit. So an assault or support weapon would be ideal.
AGM sten seems to be pretty un upgradeable from what I can tell. It uses modified v2 pieces and seems like it might be a bugger to get parts for. Anyone have any experience in this area with these?
Ares PPSH-41. Ares makes good stuff, this gun gets rave reviews. Only issue is the side arm here. No one seems to make a GBB russian pistol. Now I know I can always rock this in a german uniform as they were a favorite of the germans to capture. So a luger may work here. They were also used alot in vietnam as the Russians supplied arms.
A&K m60. This was used from VN all the way up to today still. American gear and side arms are easy to find and the m60 is used by many armies so lots of play room there. But its fricking 30lbs of gun to haul around the field. And its newer on the market. I have read some good reviews and some bad reviews on this. Any input?
BAR. This would just be cool to have. But the mags would be as rare as hen's teeth and so is the gun it self. We have a team member waiting on one and its been about 5 months now. Anyone know any other manufacture of said gun?
Marushin Garand. I don't know how field-able this would be. Being that you have to gas it up after about every 2 mags plus its got that horrid duel hop up system. Anyone use one in game? How were they? This one has lots of flexibility in kits as well.
Lastly mp40. I can use this as a german, as a VC, lots of options. Does anyone know how easy it is to get parts? I know its another AGM.
The only other gun I can think of would be an m14 to add to this list. It would be a WE though if I got it and I would like something I could use in colder weather.
If you guys can think of any other items I should add to this list to look into It would be much appreciated. Most of these would be around the same price minus the sten and mp40 *the cheaper two of the bunch* so pricing really won't factor in.
Thanks guys.