Personally I would suggest that MilSim ‘best practices’ really dictate that you get out to a few games first, particularly MilSim games, and analyse what works and what does not.
There has been a long string of proclaimed hosts who have falsely advertised MilSim’s in the past, luring them to venues thinking that because the place or the setting/story was so great, success was guaranteed. Never have failures been so epic because the fundamentals of listening to what works and going with it.
That’s the real gist of it when it comes down to hosting; LISTENING to your CUSTOMER. Many can’t stand the hit to the ego, so they blaze off in their preconceived, inexperienced direction – especially if they are fuelled by skirmish noobs with a loud post count. Understand ROI first and you gain respect for not only hosting but asking players for their money.
If you have 1/10th the analytical skill to research something on Google, then your really SHOULD do your homework first on this board, and ask hosts questions. You don’t have to host an incomplete game – polish your end product first. A MilSim that is full of gaps is like an ‘Under Construction’ web page. Asking the general public to FILL those gaps…all I can say to that is DO NOT pass GO, DO NOT collect $200.
Good luck with that!
86 Tactics Change.