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Old August 23rd, 2010, 22:41   #14
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Location: Danger Zone
Originally Posted by TALIBANMILAN View Post
The reason I say stay away from three-point slings is because they cover the controls on one side of the rifle - And if you are left handed, they actually cover the ejection port (not so important in airsoft.)

In regard to three-point slings - more is not always better.

They also allow for your weapon to sag too far from the body. If a weapon sags, it will get in the way of running and moving fast. A three-point sling can also hold your weapon in a muzzle up configuration - creating a situation which is unsafe (it is unacceptable to cover a fellow shooter/s with your muzzle.)
No to mention if you're wearing any kind of vest or plate carrier or other rig they hang up your weapon at every chance.
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