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Old July 12th, 2010, 11:52   #12
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Location: Downtown Ottawa
Originally Posted by the_hellspawn View Post
Noob me? Well maybe a little Anyway, this kind of thread managed to stress me a little cause I got an order for a MP5 on the way. But like I said in an earlier post, I was was sure there was an explanation and there was. Again, like I said before, I've always got a A1 service from Mach1.
He's probably busy because he's a two tier supply chain manager. He's a distributor and retailer all rolled up into one and for all I know he's got a real job (as in not airsoft related) as well. Not really a jab at anyone just a statement that its abit asinine to assume people will always be on the ball when it comes to responding to what I can imagine is a huge volume of correspondence.

Also bear in mind my comment was not really directed at anyone persay.
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