Mach1airsoft not active??! When?? OH.. that's me sorry.
A little formal apology to anyone getting some delayed replies and less than the usual stellar customer service. We're a little backed up is all. Some days really really backed up.
We're picking up the slack to finish this summer strong and on a very high note. Our dealers are scattered all over Canada, so be sure to contact your local airsoft outfit, and have them bring in what ever products of ours you need.
A well deserved and more functional website is in the works as well( Same kick ass look and theme as the usual) We'll be saying goodbye to the Matrix intro, as it has served it's purpose. But damn I thought it was cool.
What ever happened to those TSI tavors in the video? Oh yes, we have them. Not many, but they are here. For the few that we have, we're going all out with customizations and camo options. Some will be set with Safe, Semi, and three round burst, and others with Safe, Semi, and full auto. Once these are gone, we won't be bringing them back.
But I digress.
Sorry again for the delays. We're back-tracking right now to ensure we get anyone who was missed or did not receive a timely reply.
Cheers Canada.
Mach1airsoft team.