Thread: Sniper eyewear
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Old May 24th, 2010, 05:34   #15
Join Date: May 2010
Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker View Post
Bolle 800X is what I (and many others wear), they are low profile and very comfy.

Getting high scope mounts help with gogggle clearance while trying to get a proper cheek weld. I found out very early on the PB goggles I bought I couldn't use with my rifle as the stock would press them away from my face to the left. High mounts helped better than my medium ones, but still had the goggles issue. Moved to the Bolles and the problem was eliminated.
I know some paranoid field owners (or their insurance) require that the wearer uses eye protection that creates a "seal around the eye". Sunglasses types won't work because of the large gaps - although this is why they almost never fog. The Bolle X800T's are a good compromise i think.
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