Thread: Sniper eyewear
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Old May 20th, 2010, 22:45   #12
Le Roi des poissons d'avril
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Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Terrebonne, Québec
Originally Posted by Jagdalex View Post
Wow, I need to get a pair of those, the way you talk about them FOx they are alot better than the double lens JT paintball goggles that I am using which are not bad at all. Do you know if they have a model that you can use glasses underneath them?
Definatly blow any PB gogles way out of the water. It does not even compare.

The ESS ICE are RX insert compatible. BUT, one of my teamate got them, and they make the glasses fit too far from the face and become a bit unsafe for lateral shots.

I use contact lenses with mine. I hate that, but I just use the CL for airsofting.
Speaking for CL, try the Acuvue Oasis. Best fucking CL I've ever worn. I have some astigmatie and they are the only lense that stay confortable and don't dry the shit out of my eyes. I even forget I have them on where I get home from a long day... That from a guy that would get red eyes after 1h of wearing the other brands.

Vérificateur d'âge: Terrebonne
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