You are right. I wouldn't say its for every eight year old and he was just the youngest we've had and the only one at that age. He just had the right attitude and it worked. Like I said before, we just won't use age as a determining factor. You might be only 20 but if you haven't yet, you will soon see your elders disappoint you in their behavior. You probably shouldn't be a concert violinist at eight either but exceptional people do exist even if they are children. I have no problem admitting, it's not for everyone. But for those who can, I like to think we make a place for them to do.
Besides, where do you think those Bond super Villains get their devoted minions from. Got to start them young if you are going to take over the world. You can't buy that kind of loyalty no matter how much money you extort from the UN with stolen nukes! I'm out of the Army next month and looking for a new career. Got to stick with what you're good at. First Winnipeg, then Manitoba and then maybe Saskatchewan if there's time. I don't want to be greedy!