dear lord this is a tough one lol
Okay so there'es about 20 different blends of multicam and about 4 major shades. Two of which are green, two of which are tan. Believe me if you put them side by side you'd be like "Hey one's tan and ones green!!"
Okay so the 65/35 and 50/50 twill are green. I have 65/35 myself, after time it doesn't fade but the color bleeds. It get darker and GREEN. DAMN GREEN. My field cap is near cadpat green on top.
50/50 NYCO ripstop is TAN. clear, obvious, stereotypical multicam tan. It's ripstop which has pro's and cons. You get a rip, it'll stop short, but you get a pant leg caught on a nail while running and your gonna hit the ground HARD. This stuff is known to fade over time, probably not an issue if your wearing it once a week.
Depending on your location, if your playing in more green, go for the 65/35