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Old February 16th, 2010, 09:28   #199
GBB Whisperer
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Originally Posted by turok_t View Post
The Airsoft Innovations GBB silicon oil says to "inject 2 drops for every 2 fills"... i hear that some ppl put 2 drops in their propane tank for every 4-6 mags... Which one is correct?
That depends on when you bought your product. When the product was first released, the recommendation was 2-3 drops every 8-9 mags, but over time, the quantity slowly increased. The manual still says every 8 fills, but you're right, the bottle label does say every 2 fills.
I'm not sure why, but this question is probably better asked of Airsoft Innovations (MadMax.)

I oil my mags a different way, so I haven't followed this method for a while now.

Originally Posted by ujiro View Post
Hey just wondering if anyone can help me out.

I recently installed the IK BBU and airsoft surgeon loading nozzle.

Gas now spews out the barrel every time i pull the trigger. I pull the trigger, the entire mags worth of gas comes out the end of the barrel. The slide moves back about 1/4", so that it just starts to push the hammer back a bit, but it does not push the hammer back at all. (ie, once the gas is all out the barrel, the hammer is still in the forward aka uncocked position).

Now the issue is I already modified my other BBU to fire full auto LOL. And its not done the mod yet so I can't swap the stock bbu back in.
However another issue is that currently the frame has a stripped screw for the left side grip screw. However I cannot see how this would affect function. The grip is still on almost completely in the proper spot, and when I squeeze it it pulls back to the right position.

Anyone have any insight?
Did you transfer the guts of the nozzle in to the new nozzle? What you're describing sounds like you didn't swap the internal components (cylinder bulb, spring, valve blocker & screw.)

Originally Posted by Daiviet View Post
Your nozzle might be too tight on the O ring and as soon as the gas vents, the nozzle travels with the slide instead of sticking forward for a few moments to take all the gas.
That's not likely... the function of the pistol would not allow the nozzle to release early.

Last edited by ILLusion; February 16th, 2010 at 09:31..
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