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Search: Posts Made By: Sbradshaw
Forum: General October 19th, 2010, 22:47
Replies: 24
Views: 12,761
Posted By Sbradshaw
in all honesty most of the active members on here...

in all honesty most of the active members on here arn't really dumb enough to end up in your situation.

now, if he is underage he aint going to jail. if its his first offence, he aint going to...
Forum: Newbie Tank October 18th, 2010, 13:30
Replies: 7
Views: 5,653
Posted By Sbradshaw
im pretty sure he's online only. if you search...

im pretty sure he's online only. if you search through his site you will find retailers of his products.

ive bought from him many times now and never had any issues! just order from the site and...
Forum: Accessories Discussion October 17th, 2010, 03:34
Replies: 7
Views: 9,242
Posted By Sbradshaw
full upper reciever or nothing, sorry bud. and...

full upper reciever or nothing, sorry bud. and there is a retailer that has it, when your verified pm me ill help you out.
Forum: Newbie Tank October 15th, 2010, 19:31
Replies: 5
Views: 7,100
Posted By Sbradshaw
nope, it bolts on. there is a full g&p front kit...

nope, it bolts on. there is a full g&p front kit available. it isnt cheap but very nice! im certain a retailer can bring one in. just do your research and you'll find it
Forum: Newbie Tank October 15th, 2010, 19:20
Replies: 5
Views: 7,100
Posted By Sbradshaw
well as i dont think this belongs in the newb...

well as i dont think this belongs in the newb section, you need a g&p m203 front handguard and a launcher
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications October 13th, 2010, 20:05
Replies: 1,025
Views: 708,375
Posted By Sbradshaw
so ive installed the ratech upgrade kit minus the...

so ive installed the ratech upgrade kit minus the hopup unit( not sure how its an upgrade it looks the same as origonal), but to the point... the orings on the ratech set seem to be larger than the...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications October 7th, 2010, 17:19
Replies: 1,025
Views: 708,375
Posted By Sbradshaw
i just purchased the scar upgrade kit from...

i just purchased the scar upgrade kit from airsoft global on wed. and it will be here tommorrow! they shipped it speed post for only 26 bucks. its light and small mind you but i didnt mind paying to...
Forum: General October 7th, 2010, 16:29
Replies: 20
Views: 14,562
Posted By Sbradshaw
not only higher, but better trader rating! i have...

not only higher, but better trader rating! i have a higher trader rating than some that i have dealt with, but i do have some black marks on there so i have no qualms with shipping first. if the deal...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications October 7th, 2010, 10:44
Replies: 1,025
Views: 708,375
Posted By Sbradshaw
Well the red stuff is for hi temp, I'm just...

Well the red stuff is for hi temp, I'm just wondering because that's what I have here. And should I be looking into doing these gaskets up before they start leaking or wait until the leak?
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications October 6th, 2010, 11:43
Replies: 2
Views: 4,370
Posted By Sbradshaw
i tried rwa but no answer as of yet, i think im...

i tried rwa but no answer as of yet, i think im just being impatient, lol
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications October 6th, 2010, 10:36
Replies: 2
Views: 4,370
Posted By Sbradshaw
ra tech upgrade kit for scar???

i am just wondering, ive broken my fire pin stop, so instead of just relpacing it ive ordered the ratech upgrade kit for the we scar) and it shows inthe picture that it includes a new firepin stop. ...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications October 5th, 2010, 00:47
Replies: 1,025
Views: 708,375
Posted By Sbradshaw
Just wondering, is it possible to use the red...

Just wondering, is it possible to use the red gasket goop from Canadian tire instead of the blue for sealing leaky mags?
Forum: Doctor's Corner October 4th, 2010, 21:33
Replies: 18
Views: 9,525
Posted By Sbradshaw
just wondering if this is solved?? im having the...

just wondering if this is solved?? im having the "exact" same problem with my scar.
also, would anyone know if the ratech complete upgrade kit will fix this issue for good? or is it the same pot...
Forum: Newbie Tank September 10th, 2010, 13:26
Replies: 16
Views: 11,394
Posted By Sbradshaw
if you actually "fix" these guns as a hobby you...

if you actually "fix" these guns as a hobby you would know where to get gears wouldnt you??
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications September 10th, 2010, 13:17
Replies: 0
Views: 4,131
Posted By Sbradshaw
we scar upgrades for reliability??

so ive just purchased a we scar v3. now ive been doing research on this specific gun and so far am quite happy with all the reviews.

now what needs to be upgraded for reliability purposes only?
Forum: Newbie Tank September 8th, 2010, 13:53
Replies: 16
Views: 11,394
Posted By Sbradshaw
hey marcus, if you look at drakes profile, you'll...

hey marcus, if you look at drakes profile, you'll see the word "staff" which usually means dont piss off!

why dont you try wikipedia and other searchs to find out more about your gun and airsoft...
Forum: Doctor's Corner August 27th, 2010, 10:47
Replies: 6
Views: 5,662
Posted By Sbradshaw
what is the pin valve test??

what is the pin valve test??
Forum: Doctor's Corner August 26th, 2010, 13:45
Replies: 6
Views: 5,662
Posted By Sbradshaw
the glock trades are on the back of the mag...

the glock trades are on the back of the mag itself and the base plate.

if the mag is kwa or a clone, would that make a difference in performance, and how can i get it to perform better?
Forum: Doctor's Corner August 26th, 2010, 13:17
Replies: 6
Views: 5,662
Posted By Sbradshaw
well it has full glock trades, so i would guess...

well it has full glock trades, so i would guess it is not a clone mag.
Forum: Doctor's Corner August 26th, 2010, 02:02
Replies: 6
Views: 5,662
Posted By Sbradshaw
ksc g18c mag issues??

ok so my g18c's standard mag is not working properly, ive lubed it, took it apart, and nothing is changing?? i just want to know the cause of the issue??

the issue:

when i use the 49rnd long...
Forum: Gear Discussion August 25th, 2010, 20:40
Replies: 3
Views: 4,481
Posted By Sbradshaw
asc has given me that warning, just ignore it, if...

asc has given me that warning, just ignore it, if you know the site is legit dont worry about it, if your not sure then stay away.
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications July 23rd, 2010, 03:02
Replies: 40
Views: 243,083
Posted By Sbradshaw
hey guys, could someone give me the link to the...

hey guys, could someone give me the link to the shimming guide again, this one is no longer any good.
Forum: General July 23rd, 2010, 00:08
Replies: 18
Views: 15,419
Posted By Sbradshaw
and morticians

and morticians
Forum: General July 17th, 2010, 19:28
Replies: 2
Views: 4,160
Posted By Sbradshaw
no, completely different, just google both and...

no, completely different, just google both and look.
Forum: General March 24th, 2010, 16:56
Replies: 15
Views: 13,015
Posted By Sbradshaw
get av'd and you'll find one! look up the age...

get av'd and you'll find one! look up the age verifier section and find one in your area. if your underage, tuff luck buds
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications March 21st, 2010, 13:13
Replies: 17
Views: 11,108
Posted By Sbradshaw
battery will not fit inside the ris, you would...

battery will not fit inside the ris, you would have to get a peq
Forum: Doctor's Corner March 13th, 2010, 14:50
Replies: 4
Views: 3,583
Posted By Sbradshaw
its a hicap, spin the wheel on the bottom of the...

its a hicap, spin the wheel on the bottom of the mag, it needs to be wound in order to feed into the gun
Forum: Newbie Tank February 28th, 2010, 15:33
Replies: 26
Views: 16,988
Posted By Sbradshaw
R.I.T.Z.'s post was perfect and to the point,...

R.I.T.Z.'s post was perfect and to the point, someone sticky that on the home page or something!
Forum: Newbie Tank February 28th, 2010, 15:22
Replies: 26
Views: 16,988
Posted By Sbradshaw
Get av'd and there are many trusted retailers...

Get av'd and there are many trusted retailers here on asc
Forum: Doctor's Corner February 25th, 2010, 14:41
Replies: 4
Views: 7,203
Posted By Sbradshaw
but by the sounds of it something is grounded...

but by the sounds of it something is grounded out, and if you just remove the "safety" at this moment you could have some real problems!

i would start by pulling the mechbox and tracing the wires,...
Forum: Doctor's Corner February 24th, 2010, 19:52
Replies: 12
Views: 10,124
Posted By Sbradshaw
male electrical connectors in the female plastic...

male electrical connectors in the female plastic fitting, and viseversa
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications February 20th, 2010, 14:38
Replies: 16
Views: 11,478
Posted By Sbradshaw
when lipo is nessesary?

i am wondering, i have a kart ebr with a tm mechbox. it has an upgraded pistonhead, airseal nozzel, gears, m120 spring and bearing spring guide.

now im just wondering what benifit would spending...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications February 20th, 2010, 00:30
Replies: 5
Views: 5,230
Posted By Sbradshaw
yes its a stock mauri box, what about the piston...

yes its a stock mauri box, what about the piston head? if the cylinder is different?
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications February 20th, 2010, 00:07
Replies: 5
Views: 5,230
Posted By Sbradshaw
m14/v7 mechbox??

just wondering what mechbox parts are v7 specific, ie can i use a v2 piston?? and what other parts are interchangable?
Forum: Accessories Discussion February 14th, 2010, 20:02
Replies: 7
Views: 8,898
Posted By Sbradshaw
just as a note, on a tm m14 with foam filled...

just as a note, on a tm m14 with foam filled silencer, the shooter could here the mechbox, but at 20 ft. i was hit and couldn't tell where the shooter was even after being hit.

we then tested out...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications February 13th, 2010, 20:36
Replies: 8
Views: 6,490
Posted By Sbradshaw
hey if it works for you, who am i to judge, but i...

hey if it works for you, who am i to judge, but i believe it will wear down a lot faster and may wreck other components when it does fail.

is it the stock piston and head??

and is there an...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications February 13th, 2010, 19:25
Replies: 8
Views: 6,490
Posted By Sbradshaw
just imagine a piston in your car is "wobbling"...

just imagine a piston in your car is "wobbling" and think if its a good thing??

no its not good, you piston head should be tightened securly to your piston and there shouldnt be any wobble as the...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications January 30th, 2010, 16:27
Replies: 6
Views: 5,423
Posted By Sbradshaw
the gasblock acts as a female adapter for the...

the gasblock acts as a female adapter for the different length barrels. i personally am not sure if you could remove the gasblock and install a silencer instead. if it is possible, i cant wait to see...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion January 8th, 2010, 08:54
Replies: 2
Views: 3,549
Posted By Sbradshaw
well that sucks! lol thankyou for the info

well that sucks! lol
thankyou for the info
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion January 7th, 2010, 23:45
Replies: 2
Views: 3,549
Posted By Sbradshaw
tanaka usp mags??

im just wondering what other mags are compatible with the tanaka usp p8??
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications September 25th, 2009, 22:08
Replies: 7
Views: 7,843
Posted By Sbradshaw
Bow I play with jensen and have used the gun, the...

Bow I play with jensen and have used the gun, the slide lock spring is in upside down, and that soves that problem. As for the slide itself, its very loose, to loose. It is locking back about an inch...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications September 14th, 2009, 01:53
Replies: 21
Views: 12,463
Posted By Sbradshaw
Thankyou for the info cuddles, my gun is an exact...

Thankyou for the info cuddles, my gun is an exact clone of the vsr so it will be helpful.
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications September 14th, 2009, 00:56
Replies: 21
Views: 12,463
Posted By Sbradshaw
sniper rilfe upgrades??

im looking into upgrading a usr11.

just wondering what length of inner barrel i need, and what the fps is on a 130 spring.

is there anything else i will need for a "basic" upgrade as i dont...
Forum: Accessories Discussion August 8th, 2009, 10:11
Replies: 9
Views: 6,549
Posted By Sbradshaw
va bbs

just wondering if anyone can vouch for these velocity arms bb's the .20s

me and a large group of friend were going to buy, but not sure on the quality.
i saw the comparison charts, but would like...
Forum: Doctor's Corner August 6th, 2009, 09:42
Replies: 1
Views: 3,064
Posted By Sbradshaw
mm 40mm grenade porblem

i am just wondering if anyone can tell me the oring size for the valve, i went and bought number 016 orings and they fit but are so tight i dont think they will lock into place on there own.

Forum: Newbie Tank June 29th, 2009, 10:03
Replies: 25
Views: 22,990
Posted By Sbradshaw
1. yes its a aftermath 2. buyairsoft is owned...

1. yes its a aftermath
2. buyairsoft is owned by cas now and i think they are just changing things, but i could be wrong
Showing results 1 to 46 of 46

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