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SuperCriollo February 7th, 2010 00:35

Feeling creative- G36C trademarks :)
hey guys, i was not sure where to put this, but here we go. well i have a Cansoft kwa G36c, so the clear receiver has to go. well i m looking forward to paint it with Krylon black, however when i saw the blank space for the trademarks some ideas came to my mind. well here there are some sketches that i did over it with chalk.
I would like to know your opinion, so what do you think?
should i?

-leave it blank
-paint my imaginary trademarks? if so please choose one.


mchlman February 7th, 2010 01:03

one idea maybe is to spray it from the inside of the reciever and scrape off the paint after it dries into a reverse image of your picture, then paint the exposed area white. This way it protects the painted layer and your image

Drake February 7th, 2010 01:11

Why not put in the proper HK/G36 trademarks?

SHÖCK February 7th, 2010 02:21

SuperCriollo February 7th, 2010 11:16

well i thought about it, but i don't thing that i could reproduce them correctly (it will look like crap), and will not look realistic because the real ones are engraved. so thats why i didn't considered that option.

Rock 'N' Roll Outlaw February 7th, 2010 13:46

Why not get a hand-held engraver (as long as you trust your artistic skills) and do it yourself or get someone else to do it for you. Contact djbordie on here and get him to engrave it for you. Thats if he does plastic, I know he does metal body engraving, I doubt plastic should be a feat for him. But I cant speak for him so contact him and see if hes willing to do it for ya.

Or just buy one with trades already :D

AngelusNex February 7th, 2010 13:52

How bout the "stark industries" trades that are supposed to be on the G36 in the iron man movie. I'd love that on my MG36.

FOX_111 February 7th, 2010 14:52

Asside all this, learning to resize your pictures would also help a lot.
I'm on high speed internet with 22" LCD screens and your pics are a trafic jam to load.

SuperCriollo February 7th, 2010 16:39

well seems like no one liked the idea :P . anyway thanks for your tips.

deep in the bush February 7th, 2010 16:53

imagination is never a thing to discourage man, Go for it. It's yours do what ever you wish.

Take in the spirit of the guys who used to name their planes or artillery pieces.

if I had a stitch of talent I would follow your lead.

Why just be predictable?

SuperCriollo February 8th, 2010 20:30


Originally Posted by deep in the bush (Post 1159498)
imagination is never a thing to discourage man, Go for it. It's yours do what ever you wish.

Take in the spirit of the guys who used to name their planes or artillery pieces.

if I had a stitch of talent I would follow your lead.

Why just be predictable?

yhea :confused:, seems like people is kinda purist about G36s trade marks, well I'm gonna paint it black first and then see what pops through my head.

Pd: the stark industries trade marks is a good idea, :D

StrikeFreedom February 8th, 2010 20:50

How about you just sign it? :)

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