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Andres March 30th, 2008 20:22

'Thommy' (56k no)
Felt like taking some pictures with my new camera :d
From the front
From the back

Thanks for watching!

dockronixion March 30th, 2008 20:27


that r be epic gun

is that a metal body or stock tm one it looks like metal

Andres March 30th, 2008 20:29


Originally Posted by dockronixion (Post 681402)

that r be epic gun

is that a metal body or stock tm one it looks like metal

The upper receiver and barrel that comes with the TM Thompson is metal. Which I like very much.

Gunk March 30th, 2008 20:33


How is reloading with that? Looks like you have to line the mag up, and slide it in that guide path thingy (2nd last picture). Does it get tricky or is it easier than it looks?

RagingPigCop March 30th, 2008 20:35

Yeah I own one also you have to line it up in the grove. Mine is a stock Thompson except I have a professional made foregrip that was made for a real one on it.

Andres March 30th, 2008 20:41

After practicing enough, the grooves don't tend to be a problem... plus they keep the mag from moving pretty much at all!

Gunk March 30th, 2008 20:42

I kinda wanna get one... and a drum mag... and a white suit with a black bowtie... and my own Borg to blast away again and again...

Or just a WW2 kit...

Andres March 30th, 2008 20:44


Originally Posted by Gunk (Post 681420)
I kinda wanna get one... and a drum mag... and a white suit with a black bowtie... and my own Borg to blast away again and again...

Or just a WW2 kit...

If you can find a drum mag I'll love you forever.

KEVORKIAN March 30th, 2008 20:47

Anyone know where to find a drum mag for one????
I've been looking....and so far nothing!

commandojim March 30th, 2008 22:51

I made my own,an old cookie tin ,paint,solder
and a real steel drum mag as a pattern.
(I used one at the Military Museum as the pattern)

KNIVEZS March 30th, 2008 22:54

that beast is hot

Andres March 30th, 2008 23:02


Originally Posted by commandojim (Post 681548)
I made my own,an old cookie tin ,paint,solder
and a real steel drum mag as a pattern.
(I used one at the Military Museum as the pattern)

I just might give this (or something similar) a try!

Lerch March 31st, 2008 00:40

I remember holding that gun...sweet Jesus makes me want one :D

Making pic#4 my desktop too!

Andres March 31st, 2008 00:49


Originally Posted by Lerch (Post 681614)
I remember holding that gun...sweet Jesus makes me want one :D

Making pic#4 my desktop too!

Thanks! And if you need a huge-er one I have it.

Lakonian March 31st, 2008 01:01

FMU? Looks it.

It's damn hot. If I wasn't soo tied up in my ARs, I'd look into one. :)

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