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Bauholzwolf December 5th, 2007 13:10

The "Ultimate" Airsoft Video
I'm searching for the most impressive and realistic airsoft video you can find online. I'm trying to pull some Sudbury locals into the sport, and would like a good video demonstration of the action.

Anyone have any really good suggestions as to the be-all and end-all of airsoft videos? Doesn't have to be Canadian, but it would certainly help the cause if it was. For those wondering, I've been searching non-stop for days on Youtube and other video sites, found some good ones but am interested in suggestions.


yanhchan December 5th, 2007 13:21

Op Irene 3?

Forever_kaos December 5th, 2007 13:34


Originally Posted by yanhchan (Post 588451)
Op Irene 3?

+1 :)

CDN_Stalker December 5th, 2007 13:42

The Op: Quick Pass videos have always been high on my list, particularly the first one. They are all on youtube, just search Quick Pass.

Goodl2ussian December 5th, 2007 13:53

theres another vid out there that i liked better than Op IRene. I remember like a 6 man squad being dropped off by a chopper.

Quick Pass is really good mainly because its in Canada therefore you can attend games of such caliber.

CDN_Stalker December 5th, 2007 13:58

One thing about using vids like Irene to help bring new players into the sport is that they might get excited about tanks and helicopters being in play, and get disillusioned when there's a Dodge Caravan dressed up as a helo and an Argo made into a tank. Hehe, so explain to them that that is HARDCORE mil-sim airsoft, and is the Holy Grail of games (unlikely to be found up here).

Bauholzwolf December 5th, 2007 14:58

If I hear the music from Black Hawk Down one more time I'm going to stab myself in the earlobes.

Nice vids, though. I've seen the Irene ones and I've always found them a tad too over the top.

artikmonkey December 5th, 2007 19:43

the irene one are dope, i renember seeing one where they recreate a bridge to far. theres alot of good one there. i've seen some of the task force black eagle and there all good! even the border wars one was good

Gunk December 5th, 2007 21:38

Nifty vid, almost 10 minutes. It looks like it takes place (at least parts of it do anyway) at a Stargate game (SG1 marshals vest, and some patches here and there). Zeon, your work?

Vid quality at full screen aint great, but I've seen worse.

Edit: Also, you gotta be able to handle Black Eyed Peas three times in a row...

Edit 2: This could be a repost... in fact it better be, cause this is so far outside of left field I'm scared... and a little cold... and actually getting hungry, so I'm gonna link this and make grilled cheese.

Enjoy... (takes a minute at the beginning to skip the wierd crap about some website)

"When you pry the slide off, pieces fall out."

yanhchan December 5th, 2007 22:28

Com'on OP IRENE 3 had mountain bikes!!! Tactical Mountain Bikes!!!!

artikmonkey December 6th, 2007 00:05

yes but there were apc's to!

Amos December 6th, 2007 01:13


It's informative... And... pretty well done!

Goodl2ussian December 6th, 2007 01:59


Originally Posted by Gunk (Post 588811)

!!!! You found it!

tunabreath December 6th, 2007 14:05

There was one on arnies that was done up at the beginning as a news thing. I can't find it now, but it was quite well done.

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