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Identity August 7th, 2006 16:41

TM Hi-Capa 4.3 Metal Slide + Barrel Installation?
Anyone know how to install a Metal Slide + Metal Barrel Upgrade for the Tokyo Marui HI-Capa 4.3?

I just ordered one from an ASC member and hopefully it arrives tomrrow.

I need some help installing it, unless someone can guide me through or show me some pictures on how to install it.

If anyone can help me let me know,


Ph0_Eat3r August 7th, 2006 19:05

when you pull down the hammer do u see a allen key type of screw in the midle below your sight if it does i think it should be the same as a 5.1 slide install

Autumn August 7th, 2006 19:37

It’s not too hard to figure out how to install the slide. Just go slow and make sure to check your manual frequently. It should have a pretty good diagram of the assembly. You may have some trouble removing the outer barrel though. It was a little confusing for me as I did not want to use force. You just have to bend the plastic a bit and the inner barrel and hop up should just pop out for you.

I tried to find some instructions or tutorials online, but I could not find any for the Hi-Capa, though you may have better luck then me.

Hope it goes well.

Identity August 7th, 2006 20:51

Great stuff, after trying to fix up my Hi-Capa which still has problems I kinda figure out how to disassemble it.

Identity August 8th, 2006 13:08

Alright I got the metal slide, I took off the allen screw on the back of the hammer on the slide, now I dont know where to continue. The whole part doesnt seem to move...

Jugglez August 8th, 2006 14:51

Use some force to bend the two sides of the plastic slide away from each other, while wiggling the block out. Careful a spring might come flying out. Might wanna put your paintball goggles on :D

Identity August 8th, 2006 15:07


Originally Posted by Jugglez
Use some force to bend the two sides of the plastic slide away from each other, while wiggling the block out. Careful a spring might come flying out. Might wanna put your paintball goggles on :D

Hehe I got everything on, except for the metal barrel! It's so hard to put the barrel in with the hopup.. I still dont know how...

I left the plastic barrel on and tested the slide, the only thing is that the slidelock kinda gets stuck and you have to push the slide and wiggle it around for the slidelock to fit in.

If anyone knows how to put the metal barrel on let me know! :salute:


dead_aim August 8th, 2006 15:30

btw what brand did you get??

pm me...i live at shep and warden if you want i can give you some help....i have a creation on my 4.3 heavy bitch too..

Identity August 8th, 2006 15:46

Right on, however deadaim isnt available till like 9:15pm... Does anyone else here know how to fit the hopup + barrel on the gun?

hattrick August 8th, 2006 16:20

yeah, its a simple twist. Counter clockwise if i remember right...(i know it doesnt look like it was ever ment to be taken out!)

Identity August 8th, 2006 18:04


Originally Posted by neir
yeah, its a simple twist. Counter clockwise if i remember right...(i know it doesnt look like it was ever ment to be taken out!)

Not the original one, Im trying to put in a new metal barrel.
Not take it out.

Identity August 9th, 2006 13:56

Anyone? Any suggestions?

dead_aim August 10th, 2006 01:51

i'll let you know wen i get a day off...if you still have a problem...

Identity August 10th, 2006 02:02


Originally Posted by dead_aim
i'll let you know wen i get a day off...if you still have a problem...

Aw dude dead_aim sorry about not calling you... Keep forgetting and I think I'll put of the metal slide off for awhile untill I get my new sights for the metal slide. The front sight on the 4.3 was gluded on. So I do not know how to take it off...

stokes August 10th, 2006 02:12

If the front sight is metal. You can use alittle heat to melt the glue off. Done that plenty of times it works.

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