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camo-freak February 26th, 2006 19:23

Danish and Swedish M90 Camo
Can any body tell me where to find the Danish flecktarn and the Swedish splinter m90 camo? It is so hard to find and on ebay they are so expensive. All Im looking for is their BDU shirt and Pants, nothing fancy as a parka.

Thanks, camo-freak

Chalcus February 26th, 2006 19:47

I see someone else shares the sickness or adiction. Try here.


Gryphon February 26th, 2006 23:12

Tacgear has no M84 fabric in stock. I've already asked.

kymoz February 26th, 2006 23:17


Originally Posted by W.K.Shuridys
Tacgear has no M84 fabric in stock. I've already asked.

Hi Shuridys,
I was about to ask you for an update for the hypothetical order of Danish.


Darklen February 26th, 2006 23:18

Flectarn.UK has issue M84, but no M90.

SockMonkey February 27th, 2006 00:28

Both sets are dead sexy. I plan on ordering my self some this summer or perhaps fall. Im a whore for Kit and my next set is woodlands followed by Danish M84 which is so much nice than Cad IMO.

Gryphon February 27th, 2006 02:14

From the posts on Arnie's it's evident that there isn't sufficient interest to make it happen with Tacgear. Flecktarn may have issue M84 in stock, but it'll be a cold day in hell before I let them rip me off with THOSE shipping rates.

SockMonkey February 27th, 2006 02:18

Ya its a shame that you needed so many pieces to do it, but if you really want something you pay through the nose... like say.... airsoft guns.....

Syphen February 27th, 2006 07:28


Originally Posted by W.K.Shuridys
From the posts on Arnie's it's evident that there isn't sufficient interest to make it happen with Tacgear. Flecktarn may have issue M84 in stock, but it'll be a cold day in hell before I let them rip me off with THOSE shipping rates.

Look at the prices to begin with though.. 95 pound for a combat jacket?? 95 for the combat pants, and 65 for service style. What a rip off, for the 64 pound alone, which is like what? 100$ or more, you could buy a full set of most other types of camo. Here in Canada, you can get a a set of flecktarn (issue mind you) for around 60-70$. No way in hell will I pay $400 on danish camo plus shipping.

Iceman February 27th, 2006 10:14

Got mine from Ebay (160$ cnd before shipping). Its surplus, but in new condition. Trying to find the pants, but those are the hardest to find ... ahhh

Snow_Raven February 27th, 2006 11:16

I haven't ordered from them personaly but they seem to have full sets of M90.


Iceman what chestrig is that? looks nice.

Porkchop March 6th, 2006 22:32

Here is danskcam:

Lerch March 7th, 2006 01:18

Wow, I love how you tried to do a fleck pattern on your face with the camcream :tup:

eel one April 14th, 2006 17:55

well the m84 is expencive, but dont expect to find it cheeper than on flecktarn. You have to consider the quality of the uniform. I have tryed issued US and GB uniforms and have had a look at canadian, swedish and german uniforms. None of them comes even close the the danish uniform i fabric quality, craftmanship and finish. I am nok just saying it as a dane, but having tryed and compaired it to other BDU's.
The only reason that I don't use it myself are my teams conection to the danish armed forces (but I have it as a back up when I am on my own).

here are a few danish retailers who usaly have m84 in stock. web pages are in danish but sent them an e-mail and they are likely to reply:

and a german retailer: (very cheep on m84)

eel one April 14th, 2006 18:06

@Porkchop, just a few hints if you realy whant to reenact a danish trooper; the G3A3 where taken out of duty in '95 an replaced with a C8 rifle (M16) and your face camo should looke more like this:

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