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Chairs July 18th, 2016 15:52

m249 mag brand box wiring
hey guys looking at making it so my MAG brand box with the pressure switch winding to run while i fire the gun. my question is do i jist clip off the pressure switch and run those to the +&- on the wires running to the motor? also if i do that is the 9v battery still needed?

ThunderCactus July 18th, 2016 20:57

Are you trying to run the box mag off the AEG battery? Or trying to get it to feed when you hold the trigger down?

Chairs July 18th, 2016 22:48

Feed while holding trigger down. Don't need/or care about running off the battery for the rifle atm

Had it happen couple times where had the drop on a guy but while crawling in the bush the button to feed the saw got knocked offthe velcro patch. So I then pop out like suprise mofo to only fire like 4 bbs and dry fire then die as I'm scrambling to find the dam button. Other than that feeds like a dream lol.

ox56 July 19th, 2016 03:48

The battery wont be needed i do the same thing with my 249 only difference is i have the gun battery in the box mag and run both the box mag and the gun motor on the same circut. The downside is theres no way to prime the mag without a control switch

ThunderCactus July 19th, 2016 10:24

I would advise against it for the above reason. Can't prime the gun without shooting.
I'd done shitloads of crawling and running around with my 249, never recall having the pressure switch come off my grip. Maybe just find a better way to secure it? I had mine tucked into camoform tape around the grip.

I'd highly recommend wiring the box mag to the aeg battery though, especially if the battery is in the box mag. Those 9v's die fast, and if you ever go to an 11.1 the 9v usually can't keep up.

Chairs July 19th, 2016 12:51

Ya I thought about other places for it but found they were just not comfortable for me to hold in that ready position for extended periods. Found the oem switch and wiring is just not long enough for my liking. Tho am now considering a way to put a small pouch on the back of the mag so a guy can throw one of those big 5000 mah batteries in to run the mag and the gun without it looking Hella gay. O the possibilities

ShelledPants July 19th, 2016 13:32

You could easily achieve prewinding and feed with trigger pull with a bit of schematics and a relay.

Chairs July 19th, 2016 14:39

Honestly I was thinking that I'd I replaced the pressure switch with dean's connector I could just plug in an extra battery lying around and get it wound up. Not the slickest method but within my level of wiring haha

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