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whisper_kill December 9th, 2014 22:58

Wasteland weekend
Been considering putting together a milsim, based on post apocalyptic world filled with mad max types fueled by drugs and mad with radiation poisoning.

A small, scattered and stealthy multinational special operations force would need to find each other, establish their hide and achieve a goal or two. Keeping it as simple as possible.

My biggest concern is finding enough people who would be solid role players on the crazed tribe side and building awesome elaborate sets.

I've run plenty of games, big and small. I've run conventions, built props and sets and a million other things... but it's up to the community as to whether a concept like this would be allowed to take off.

Below are tentative planning details that I am revealing before the "official" game thread opens up.

Event Name: Black Aurora
Tentative Event Date: Saturday, September 26th, 2015 13:00hrs - 24:00hrs
Produced by: KillhaĆ¼s Entertainment OPS Inc.
Sponsored by: BBBastard

In the year 2018, our sun had multiple, massive Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) events.

First, high-energy sunlight, mostly x-rays and ultraviolet light, ionized the Earth's upper atmosphere, interfering with radio communications. Next came the radiation storms followed by the big CMEs.

Our satellite network was first to fall. Followed by destruction of our electrical grid. GPS was disabled. Passenger jets fell from the sky. Buildings caught fire. The internet became silent.

Our planet fell into darkness. We all looked skyward, watching the massive light show of hyperactive aurora that enveloped the entire planet. It got cold. It stayed dark. From the silence grew the sounds of fear, suffering and discontent.

Then the real chaos began. People rampaged, mad with radiation sickness. Anarchists looted and killed. Governments toppled under the weight of humanity. Armies were dispersed, fragmented, reduced to handfuls of poorly equipped soldiers.

Humans formed tribes each with their own forms of distorted rules, to try and survive, scavenging and killing for what little scraps they could. Methods to manufacture pharmaceuticals were invented to help ease the pain of suffering... while others were producing powerful psychotic drugs for their own demented agendas. A twisted... mutated existence began to take shape in an effort to bring back those things in our pre-CME life that gave us comfort.

But the Tribes of the Wasteland were not the only ones carving out their piece of our dead planet.

Welcome to Black Aurora.

Interested Players:
Malcolm Tanner
Zack the Ripper
Red Dot
Army Issue

Tentative Player Structure:

Military Units:
United Kingdom, 4 players
United States, 6 players
Japan, 4 players

Semi-auto only.
Real/low-capacity magazines only.
Maximum of 300 rounds per person. Do NOT bring BBs. We supply the BBs.
NightVision permitted.
Radios permitted.
Any military camo pattern BDU permitted. No flat colours (i.e., Olive Drab)

Post-Apocalyptic Tribe (to be named):
Tribe Leader, 1 player
Tribe Members: 20 players

Semi-auto only.
Real/low-capacity magazines only.
Maximum of 100 rounds per person. Do NOT bring BBs. We supply the BBs.
NO NightVision.
NO radios.
Non military attire (NO camo patterns). ALL players must be "in post-apo costume" and meet minimum requirements (to be posted).

Lost Angeles NPCs (non-player characters):
Barkeep/Trader, 1 NPC
Gate Keepers/Decontamination, 2 NPC
Partiers? As many as would like to show up and have fun.

Wilkie December 10th, 2014 00:00

We do a game like this every year, called Op: Hubris. People start out with pistols and single shot weapons, and have to "buy" or upgrade by finding loot (poker chips, plastic gems, random junk) around the field and bringing it back to the trading post to be traded for credits. The amount of credits you start out with is dependant on a quick costume contest.

There are no set teams, but people can join up (and hopefully eventually betray :D) other players, to complete quests, which can also earn them credits.

Next year we plan on making it a limited ammo game where ammunition must be purchased in small quantities as well.

Red Dot December 10th, 2014 02:12

I was thinking Mad Max and sure enough that is what it looks like. I would be down for a game like this especially if you can get someone to pull this guy off...

Zack The Ripper December 10th, 2014 11:30

^I'm down.

Armyissue December 10th, 2014 12:23

Way back in the day WP hosted a full day game and then Sat Night was a bonfire and party. Yeah if some spec op type guy slink away from the party and start perusing objectives that would be pretty keen. Post Apoc game followed by Party and continued game for spec ops and the general pop is aware something going on if they can tear them selves away from the party lol. I could support that kind of action.

Jo_Canadian December 10th, 2014 12:40

Just walk away.


Originally Posted by Red Dot (Post 1923840)
I was thinking Mad Max and sure enough that is what it looks like. I would be down for a game like this especially if you can get someone to pull this guy off...

Gunny1980 December 10th, 2014 12:55

You know were I stand on this :) Fuck yeah!!

whisper_kill December 10th, 2014 20:38

Like everything I approach, the vision is grand, and ultimately relies on the quality of the players involved. I think I may start with a small, highly immersive concept as a tester and see how it goes from there.

Ive travelled this road before and to do it right is a hella lot of work, but it could be something that evolves and grows into a big event each year.

Bigload December 28th, 2014 22:19

I was searching for post-apocalyptic themed airsoft weapons and wanted to see if anyone here share the same interest... interesting enough, we do have people who share this zombie / waste-land theme

Some Fallout inspired gear / players

Some airsoft Steam Punk goggles, leather jackets, gloves, ripped pants and fur coats, - all from the Thrift Store!

Bigload December 28th, 2014 22:29

Covax December 29th, 2014 08:22

Well, you've got to come to the next Op: New Ottawa. We've got side missions, gambling, a fight pit and pie!

From what I know tentative date is July 18.

My team were asked to be the Raiders last year, The Order of the Bone:

CR0M December 29th, 2014 22:37

its the perfect storm for a game like this in southern ontario... I know myself and my team would be down for a game like this for sure.

whisper_kill January 8th, 2015 13:12

This sounds quite tempting. We might make a road trip here! If you could please update this thread when you have more info, it would be greatl;y appreciated!


Originally Posted by Covax (Post 1926209)
Well, you've got to come to the next Op: New Ottawa. We've got side missions, gambling, a fight pit and pie!

From what I know tentative date is July 18.

My team were asked to be the Raiders last year, The Order of the Bone:

whisper_kill January 8th, 2015 13:21

'If' I decide to move forward with a small initial proof-of-concept game/event, I would definitely need additional support from the airsoft/LARP/Cosplay community, in terms of set and prop construction, game management etc...

I already received one offer of support from "BigLoad", but if anyone else would seriously be interested in helping (I say seriously because I'm sick and tired of wannabe flakes who express their desire to help and then disappear into the night when you really need them!), then please let me know via PM, and I will add you to my list of volunteers.

I myself build and detail costumes for both Post Apocalyptic AND futuristic soldier armour year round, so I would definitely be in character, but an event like this, it would be MANDATORY that each and every participant meet the minimum costume requirements.

The goal of an event like this would be to try and create something new and highly immersive, something extremely fun to participate in and lastly, something very well organized and ultimately... safe.

I'll be giving this more thought over the next few weeks, but as mentioned before, if I move forward, the first event would be small, probably in the realm of around 20 people.

MalcomTanner January 8th, 2015 13:54

Hell yeah This is a great idea! I've been hoping to find something like this for ever since i started at Elegy!

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