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jangofett234 June 28th, 2011 11:36

VFC SOPMOD- best battery for this?
I am getting a VFC sopmod and im wondering about what battery is best for this AEG. Im planning on a LIPO as i have heard many good things about it, but there are several different types of LIPOS.

So which is best for the AEG?


Styrak June 28th, 2011 11:40

Personally I wouldn't use a lipo at all.

I think the best battery is a NiMH 8.4v or 9.6v with the highest mAh you can find. If you can fit large cell batteries get those, otherwise you're stuck with 1600mAh minis.

jangofett234 June 28th, 2011 11:43

Is there a maximum Voltage that an AEG can handle?

horto June 28th, 2011 12:10

NiMH 9.6v nunchuck (1600mah). Buy 2.

Also consider changing the aluminium piston head to a polycarb one for reliability.

Styrak June 28th, 2011 12:13


Originally Posted by jangofett234 (Post 1491975)
Is there a maximum Voltage that an AEG can handle?

9.6v is plenty for most guns and the most you'd probably want to use.
I use 8.4v larges and minis in all my guns, but that's just me.

jangofett234 June 28th, 2011 12:16


Originally Posted by horto (Post 1491996)
NiMH 9.6v nunchuck (1600mah). Buy 2.

Also consider changing the aluminium piston head to a polycarb one for reliability.

ok Thanks

Matt 'Maverick' Watts June 28th, 2011 12:39

I've successfully used an 11.1V 1100mAh 15C lipo with no discernable difference from the 9.6V NiMh battery I originally used in my VFC Scar... and several teammates who shoot the SOPMOD use the same battery to no ill effect.
We've all installed Modify pistons, polycarbonate with metal teeth.

It's been said though, personal preference above all our suggestions!

jangofett234 June 28th, 2011 12:44


Originally Posted by Styrak (Post 1491999)
9.6v is plenty for most guns and the most you'd probably want to use.
I use 8.4v larges and minis in all my guns, but that's just me.

So since im a noob at batteries. What does a high voltage mean? And what does MAH mean?

lleets June 28th, 2011 13:29

From what I've heard "mah" can be related to the # of shots per charge or the life of the batt. per charge. So, 1600mah equates to approx. 1600 shots.

I usually bring 2 9.6v 1600mah nunchucks with me to a game and never need to swap the first one out. I'm running the vfc sopmod as well, sweet gun btw!

jangofett234 June 28th, 2011 13:30


Originally Posted by lleets (Post 1492047)
From what I've heard "mah" can be related to the # of shots per charge or the life of the batt. per charge. So, 1600mah equates to approx. 1600 shots.

ok thanks

christower2 June 28th, 2011 13:53

Higher mah is higher lifetime per charge and higher voltage effects the rof since its putting more volts to the motor the motor will turn faster.

Ozone06 June 28th, 2011 13:54


Originally Posted by horto (Post 1491996)
NiMH 9.6v nunchuck (1600mah). Buy 2.

Also consider changing the aluminium piston head to a polycarb one for reliability.

What he said,

Lipos do mean things to AEG's, Think of it as NoS for your car... you can do it but It'll fuck your engine real good if you haven't done MAJOR work on it first and even then chances could be iffy!

And do you really want 10-15 ,correct me if i'm wrong here, rounds a second? Airsoft ,for me, at least about realism, not about hosing BB's at people. If you want to do that I bet there's some speedball teams who would love to have you!

Oh yeah if the lipo's overcharge... they Asplod!!
YouTube - ‪Overcharging LiPo batteries!‬‏

Shit to think about!

That's my 2 cents

christower2 June 28th, 2011 13:57


Originally Posted by Ozone06 (Post 1492067)
What he said,

Lipos do mean things to AEG's, Think of it as NoS for your car... you can do it but It'll fuck your engine real good if you haven't done MAJOR work on it first and even then chances could be iffy!

And do you really want 10-15 ,correct me if i'm wrong here, rounds a second? Airsoft is for me at least about realism, not about hosing BB's at people. If you want to do that I bet there's some speedball teams who would love to have you!

Oh yeah if the lipo's overcharge... they Asplod!!
YouTube - ‪Overcharging LiPo batteries!‬‏

Shit to think about!

That's my 2 cents

Same for me i will never use a lipo because i dont want a crazy ROF and i rather not have to buy a new piston every couple weeks. Also lipo seems really dangerous if handled a little bit wrong.

jangofett234 June 28th, 2011 14:04


Originally Posted by christower2 (Post 1492069)
Same for me i will never use a lipo because i dont want a crazy ROF and i rather not have to buy a new piston every couple weeks. Also lipo seems really dangerous if handled a little bit wrong.

Ok thanks Ozone06 and christower2. I will definitly consider weather the LIPO is worth it or not. A little extra fire rate which isnt even important in airsoft, is not worth the risk of explosion or gun damage

Watdapakman June 28th, 2011 16:35

I'm running my stock VFC sopmod on 11.1v lipo without having any problem. The trigger response is faster than when I'm using 9.6v 1600 mah nimh battery. I ran it on lipo not because of the 10-15 rds per seconds, it's when I'm shooting in semi auto on a moving target.

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