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Red62 November 9th, 2010 12:58

Do Magnets screw up gas guns?
Yeah, i'm thinking about making a magnetic holster, but I'm wondering if strong speaker magnets will screw up let's say a gas 92fs gun (or any other gun with sufficent ammount of steel in it)

Brian McIlmoyle November 9th, 2010 13:02


Originally Posted by Red62 (Post 1346950)
Yeah, i'm thinking about making a magnetic holster, but I'm wondering if strong speaker magnets will screw up let's say a gas 92fs gun (or any other gun with sufficent ammount of steel in it)

Finding and airsoft gun with enough iron in it to support it's own weight will be a larger challenge

Gunk November 9th, 2010 13:02

Mass Effect style?

I've thought about this too actually. I have ideas to incorporate magnetic holsters/magnetic rifle mounts into larger ideas.

R.I.T.Z November 9th, 2010 13:08

my uber gun hovers at my hip thanks to this l33t magnetic holster....

i dont see how it would screw up the gun, unless there where ALOT of loose parts or loose fittings.
my main issue would be how secure would the gun really be?
maybe a electro magnet with a momentary interrupter button to disrupt the magnet long enough for you to "unholster" your pistol

great now you got me thinking.
time to make a trip to toronto

Blackthorne November 9th, 2010 13:12

The use of rare earth magnets (at least for military applications) is a no go. To many devices the field will interfere with.


Airsoft? I can think of a ton of stuff, from mag holders to holsters.

Styrak November 9th, 2010 13:16

How.....would magnets.....interfere at all with an airsoft gas pistol?

This question boggles the mind.

Crunchmeister November 9th, 2010 13:20


Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle (Post 1346953)
Finding and airsoft gun with enough iron in it to support it's own weight will be a larger challenge

Seconded. Most lower grade metal gas guns are made of pot metal with very little to no ferric content. Higher quality guns are made of aluminum. Some steel aftermarket parts are available such as outer barrels, chambers, etc are available in steel, but those parts wouldn't directly contact the magnets and the attraction would be weak. With a lot of stupidly powerful rare earth magnets, you may get something like that to hold, but the movement would cause the gun to release. What you'd need is an iron frame and slide, and neither exist in the airsoft world.

And really, to have a magnetic holster that would reliably hold up the weight of a steel gun (real steel or airsoft), the magnets would have to be so powerful that drawing the gun would require significant strength and would make the draw very slow and unnatural.

HKGhost November 9th, 2010 13:24

I think the biggest problem is if this magnet is too powerful, you'll just have a hard time drawing the gun. And don't forget that if it's really powerful, metal objects will be attracted to you and that includes knives. Other than that, it shouldn't have any effect on your gun's function.

Blackthorne November 9th, 2010 13:34


Originally Posted by Styrak (Post 1346965)
How.....would magnets.....interfere at all with an airsoft gas pistol?

This question boggles the mind.

Re-Read post :D

CDN_Stalker November 9th, 2010 13:41


Originally Posted by Red62 (Post 1346950)
Yeah, i'm thinking about making a magnetic holster, but I'm wondering if strong speaker magnets will screw up let's say a gas 92fs gun (or any other gun with sufficent ammount of steel in it)

It won't screw a gun up at all, but your wallet will be very unhappy if you are wearing the holster when chairsofting. :p

Conker November 9th, 2010 13:41

I think the first thing we should wonder for any application using magnets, is... fucking magnets, how do they work?

(That being said, it always depends on the design you have in mind, but I'm not sure it'd work because of the low (very, very low, like .08%, if there's any) of iron in these guns, but also because there would probably be iron dust (ferrite?) that would stick to it while crawling or getting low in any way.

Red62 November 9th, 2010 13:56

1: steel slides will probably be the most ideal requirement for this (if not steel sides)
2: electromagnets can be turned on and off, so unholstering it won't be too difficult.
3: they already have magnetic holsters in the US, but those are mounting holsters meant for concealing your handgun under a desk or something of the like.

Originally Posted by Conker (Post 1346978)
I think the first thing we should wonder for any application using magnets, is... fucking magnets, how do they work?

(That being said, it always depends on the design you have in mind, but I'm not sure it'd work because of the low (very, very low, like .08%, if there's any) of iron in these guns, but also because there would probably be iron dust (ferrite?) that would stick to it while crawling or getting low in any way.

I'm an electromechanical engineering student, I know how magnets work: we did an entire course on them (motors). Iron dust does not cause problems: it just makes the magnet bigger (but does not change the intensity of the magnetic field itself).

Styrak November 9th, 2010 13:59


Originally Posted by Blackthorne (Post 1346974)
Re-Read post :D

Yeah, he's wondering about a magnetic holster.

And he's wondering if magnets will screw up an airsoft pistol.

Still doesn't make sense.

Red62 November 9th, 2010 14:02


Originally Posted by Styrak (Post 1346988)
Yeah, he's wondering about a magnetic holster.

And he's wondering if magnets will screw up an airsoft pistol.

Still doesn't make sense.

generally, the question breaks down to: do magnetized components in gun, due to prolonged exposure to magnets, cause issues such as jamming, misfire, overshooting/undershooting, missalignment or the such. (bigger part of it is probably the confusion about whether the potmetal will actualy act funny under magnets).

Thenooblord November 9th, 2010 14:04

also, steel pistol parts are STAINLESS steel 99% of the time, and stainless is not magnetic

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