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Flakers - Why not have a game feedback system?
So, I have a couple pet peeves that I thought would be better off in a new thread as apposed to lost in that other thread of mostly repetitive/quickly forgotten opinions.
Nobody likes a flaker. Reading over the AAR for the zombie game this weekend I can see it really doesn't impress a lot of people, not just myself. So there's a feedback system for sales/traded items. Why not have one for game feedback? Ok, so it could get kinda messy and would definitely be open to bias more than trader ratings...who would be responsible for leaving said feedback...I get this wouldn't be an easy system to implement or one that would work perfectly. BUT, what if it was then only used for things such as: A)flakers. Permanent mark against you for being a lousy no-show B)players who are a detriment to the game. Because it happens. And only game hosts can apply such feedback. Surely this is something that would keep people more accountable, and allow game host's to weed out players who have a history of wasting game slots? Or being completely useless when they do show up? Even if something were to be setup that was just for flaker's/no shows, it would be better than nothing. I figure a simple thumbs up/thumbs down with option to comment? Thought it was worth discussing anyway. |
there is a hosts section already, so they can trade names of the people who flake out of a game or make the game unenjoyable.
No-Shows and tardies were one big factor i stop playing. Waiting for people to show up when its -20 is NOT fun.
Oh and in case your to caught up in ASC to realize this, a lot of games are not even posted here. Why? Because of people with the same shitty attitude you have. So piss off. |
it would be good to have that i mean if they atleast tell you after why they didn't show thats one thing but just signing up and not showing is diffrent i mean it takes up space and someone else might wan't to play if the game is capped |
i smell a fued brewing on asc
Ok this started as a good thread but got derailed. :-(
Anyway, I like the idea of Player Rating, it should be limited to game host, and should also include recommendations, it could be useful for Noobs to get into private games. |
if its only limited to game hosts then there would have to be a game host tag ?
Yeah I guess this would be needed, not a really big change in the database.
Quebec host already blacklist unwanted players: Late arrival, player who leave before the end, immature, etc
It works fine... Why would you want to add more work to ASC admins? |
they could make it so game hosts can blacklist them
I guessing that brian has a list in there
HOWEVER everyone here has to understand that airsoft is not the only thing on some peoples minds. life happens. theres school, kids, wives, girlfriends, work etc. that will come up last minute. dont hate everyone that flakes, it happens. and yes it may be annoying, but the only time it becomes a problem is if its a constant habit. that becomes a host issue. i over book games based on the experience that a certain % will not show. |
I've thought about building a game booking and player sign up system that hosts could then take attendence at and feedback so players got show ratings. Like many of my ideas, I never really followed it up (it would cost me money, I've no programming skillz). Brian and I were talking about it again at the FTF game this weekend. Flaking is at an all time high here now. Time to do something.
If players got a show rating, you could they set player caps and your show rating could be used when you sign up. For instance anyone with anything less than a 70% show rate isn't allowed to sign up, and, players would be given slots based on their show rate. So it would be possible for a player with a 90% show rate to displace a player with a lower show rate, even up to 24 hours before a game. That would make people care about their ratings - almost like an eBay rating system. If someone has the programming skills, I'd be happy to design the concept and oversee its construction - I do software project management for a living. |
The big issue is we aren't talking about 2-3 people per game, but a good %. We've had games where we couldn't really start because of lack of people (that would wierdly show up 2-3 hours later). Personally during the summer i don't care but during winter... urgh. |
Communication is Key, Id love it if people let me know, because ive had games were 3-4 will say they are coming but they dont come because its raining or theres mud.
outdoor is one thing where weather can turn someone off but. indoor theres no reason to say no because of the weather realy
if you sign up for a game that's posted up loooooooooooong in advance than book the time off with work! request the time off with the domestics!!! know the weather conditions for the game being booked for that time of year and prepare. God forbid that you remember you signed up for a capped game before going and double booking yourself. MAN UP AND SHOW UP or just dont bother signing up if you have any intenetion of being an illegitimate no show. at the very least say something. so if you ask me than i'm with scarecrow on the openly visible rating. if for nothing else to publicly humiliate those inconsiderate wussy pansies out there. that attitude has seriously hurt the gaming this year people. grow up. if you're old enough to sign up for a game than stop behaving like a little baby or a prncess and live up to your end of that agreement...and if something unavoidable emergency does pop up JUST before game time than you could post just that so people know. |
It's only polite to let the people/game host know that you can't make it. If you sign up, come and come on time so people don't have to wait because its 'hard' to wake up at 6am or 7am. Thats ok, don't fucking sign up. Or heck, omg... let people know you will come but more toward x hours. This doesn't concern newbies only, if anything new players tend to show up on time since they are all excited and stuff. |
As hosts, we dont forget who flaked and said nothing, whos a dickhead at the field, ect... Next time I see them at a game, I talk to them about it, ask them hey remember that game I hosted last month, I didnt see you there, what happened? If they have a good reason, fine, if they dont, well I just let them know I didnt appreciate it, and I hope it doesnt happen again.. A host trader rating would be a good idea, but it would take alot more than Scarecrow and a programer, it would take virutally every player, active or not on the boards to vote on EVERY player active or not on the boards... If you let the hosts run it, could be bias, we dont remember everyone at a game. Otherwise, Im guessing everyone would start out at 100% and then each time they fuck up, it goes down a few..
ok, I was kind of worried since there have been a number of games that I signed up for and then said I would not be able to attend (mostly because of school) and I was thinking that would be defined as flaking.
What do we do about Walk ins? I have plenty moments where people just show up. some arent even active on here. Is it a bad thing to let them play?
I would say that is a good thing, as long as they are prepared to play then the more the merrier.
Confirming for a spot in a game.. dumping out last minute to attend another game and then dissembling about it does not provide the example of integrity that we are trying to engender in the player base. If you want to talk the talk one needs to walk the walk. People who want to be hosts need to illustrate the attributes they expect in players. This is the foundation of respect. Game hosts know for the most part who the flakers are.. and we have a spot on here where we can discuss and share such information. Personally Ill dump flakers from my roster if I see they are not good to their word. Everyone understands that things come up that this is a hobby and a passtime .. but it is often more to the people who invest their time and often their money to organize events for the players. what people need to understand that a game is a product.. your "in" in the game thread is your agreement to purchase that product. the product is delivered .. but you not showing means the product was delivered but you NEVER PAID FOR IT. in games with specific roles or caps those spots are key to the game enjoyment for everyone. When players flake they are ripping off the game host .. and their fellow players. When you post "in" what that means is you commit to attend and participate in the game regardless of weather, bugs.. or whatever because you would not have posted your committment if it was based on the weather being good. If you are a fair weather player then you should be content with games that allow walk on or that are not capped and you should never expect to have any sort of defined role in any game. BECAUSE YOU CAN'T BE TRUSTED TO SHOW UP. There is NOTHING WRONG with being a fair weather player .. not everyone has the desire or the equipment to be able to participate in all environments. That's fine.. just don't hold yourself out as a player that is. And if you want those sorts of roles then get yourself sorted out to play them.. just becasue you want something does not mean you should get it. and finally QUIT IT WITH THE F**KING *TENTATIVE* BU**S**T posting tentative simply means "hey Ill come if I have nothing better to do" it's an insult to the hosts and to your fellow players. either you are in or you are out .. If you don't know then don't post till you are sure. If you post "in" and something comes up then have the respect to PM the game host and let him / Her know that you can't make it and why. then post in the thread "out" no one needs to know why you are out other than the host. If the why is.. " turns out I'd rather go to another game" then say that. Truth is what gets you respect not BS |
people...hosts and sponsers and Bastards alike all spend their own money on games so that we all can enjoy and in some cases just be confortable because of the inclement weather and temperatures...THANKS JAY!!!
this is OUT OF POCKET money that, in come cases, can only be hoped to be broken even. props, food, first aid...etc etc etc etc....but most importantly ALL OUR TIME. those of you selfish, soft, inconsiderate lot all effect OUR time and peoples money. THINK ABOUT IT. if it means that little to you than just go ahead and play some speedball with glorified plumbing where you can share that same shitty attitude with like minded children. |
Thank you Brian and Ducky. Took the words right out of my typing fingers.
I wasn't going to originally post this but since Able1 is trying to play both sides of the fence I'll use him as an example. September 2nd 16:19 - Zombies Quote:
September 19th, 09:02 - Zombies Quote:
September 23rd, 22:57 - Zombies Quote:
No here's where it gets interesting! October 13th, 12:53 - Zombies Quote:
October 13th, 21:12 - CQB Quote:
October 14th, 14:10 (edited at 14:29) - CQB Quote:
October 16th, 18:42 - CQB Quote:
October 19th, 01:47 - Zombies Quote:
Able1 aka Joeyaglr444 - You've lost any possible credibility in my books. Another thing unrelated to Able1 that I'd like to note is that Scarecrow bought, with his own money, food to feed 30 odd people Saturday night. He committed to purchase, setup, cook and clean up with the assumption that roughly 30 people were to attend. At $5 a head, which is just about cost, he was expecting to break even. 15 guys paying $5 didn't cover it and do you know what? Scarecrow ate the loss because you all flaked. Heck, if I was in that position I'd be down right pissed but Scarecrow's a stand up guy and looks after people that appreciate his efforts. Zeon also spent a fair amount of time trying to plan this and come up with alternatives when PMC's dropped out twice. Coming up with contingency plans to make sure that the day could move forward isn't easy. Both Duckman and Brian M weren't suppose to be active players but assist with game control to make sure things went smoothly. They both stepped up and took on the role of PMC's so that the game wouldn't be a flop. In addition, I know Zeon also spent money on props and respawn point markers so that we could differentiate between them and not have to say "your respawn point is that tree over there and yours is this tree with the broken branch.". The people who whine and complain about the weather probably still have their mommies dress them for school. Come on guys, get a pair of boots and a fleece/rain shell and pack a spare set of clothes. IT'S REALLY NOT THAT HARD. So what if you get wet? Change into your dry clothes after. If you dress for inclement weather, you won't even feel it. |
Okay, let me get this straight, he knowingly signed up for two games on the same date?
i agree that there should be a game flakers book\thread whatever for players but in the same regard we should have one for the hosts as well how many times have you kitted up with the intentions of a certain scenario only to have it switched last second and completly throwing a fuck into everything you prepared for. or for when the game states certain times only to finish 3 hours early and so on and so on.
just my opinion. hell if your gonna shit on the players be prepared to take some shit too |
But it seems they made it to CQB.. It's bad form to turf a game you confirmed at and go to another instead.. but it's bad character to dissemble about it when called on it. There is exactly one thing that you carry with you wherever you go .. that you can't put down .. Your reputation .. it's up to you how heavy it gets. |
well said sir! |
and who said anyone was going to "shit" on anyone? Shitting on someone presumes that thay are blameless and don't deserve censure. a player accruing a bad rep as a flaker and being known and recorded as such is not "shitting" on them any more than people being outed as bad traders for transactions gone wrong. if you rip me off in a deal and I tell others to warn them that you are not to be trusted to deal with am I "shitting on you"? or reporting the truth? |
well mayey i worded it wrong it wasnt ment to start a argument just that ther 2 sides to every coin..
but those guys who confirmed and went to another game should not get away with it. thats just being a bunch of assholes. wich leads me to a big question why did they do it? and why they didnt informe the other host? |
regardless of who said what in an isolated incident it's just an example of this topic right?
individuals need to remember and honour the the commitments and if signing up as a team should involve clear communication BEFORE signing up and taking what may be very important roles in the game. not showing or noncommunication of legitimate reasons for not being able to make it just isnt cool and is a blatant display of a lack of integrity and respect to all. |
I also found it mildly humorous, note sarcasm here, that the Black Bears attempted to host their own game on the 24th, posting several days after pulling out of Z4. There was sufficient time when they said they weren't coming but I still found it mildly humorous, note some more sarcasm again, that it was scheduled for the exact same day. I did find it extremely funny that it got canceled with only one sign up aside from them. |
yes thats right... it's illustrative of behavior that is tolerated , not about one incident or one circumstance. |
We are trying to deal with that as well but it is going to require greater co-operation between game hosts. That is a different discussion.. does not have to happen here |
I think we should pre-pay before events, via PAYPAL OR EMT. That would solve the problem, I would have no problem doing this my self...... |
I've seen it work you do it like this $20 prepaid $30 at the field .. so you can still pay at the field but it cost you a premium. not applicable at PB fields because it is not a deal between the host and the player .. it's a deal between the PB place and the player.. the host is just an agent.. a pimp so to speak for the PB place. |
really it was, It was a mistake didnt wanna sign up for both complete mistake on my fault. I already took the fault i really am sorry.
What is done is done.. and people live with the legacy of their errors. Lets not make more of this than it is. but it's a good lesson. look at the date before you jump in ... or you put yourself in a tight spot. |
Hey Brian you can kick me off that list of hosts and owners I have yet to earn it and most definitely made a big mistake thanks for lettin me in though.
I apologize to the community, about this misunderstanding, I am taking full accountability for my mistake I thought the Zombie game was open we didn't know we would make it in to the CQB game, the team was gonna go to the zombie game but because of conflicting schedules figured it would be a safer bet to hit the CQB. Once again I apologize to Scarecrow, Z, Brian and all players I may have offended or pissed off. If there is a Players Flakers blacklist Ill Volunteer to put myself on that list. |
Do this from now on & you will see better results in the players mentality, over all enjoyment, money in the pocket. Put a lot into the games/scenarios, and it will pay in dividends as time goes on. |
re: Able1
I was less pissed off with you, and far more pissed off with with people who were a no-show with no reason and no warning. As was pointed out earlier in the thread, I generally prefer to focus on those who did attend and enjoyed the game and hospitality, as those people are far more worthy of my attention and efforts. But, the flakers have been noted. |
Scarecrow I met you that one time you met went down to defcon outdoor with Santo, I did not mean any disrespect by jumping out of your game, I really am sorry mate.
Alright, thank you to anyone who is trying to bring something constructive to this discussion.
BOOO to those of you who just take up space with words. If you've got nothing constructive to say, save everyone from having to waste time reading it. The % of games attended is kind of what I was getting at. I like that idea a lot Scarecrow. Maybe add a # for games attended/no showed, it would give people an idea of how active a player is. Which kind of matters. I'd seen the game hosting section, but hadn't looked into it. I suppose having your own personal black lists are a start. Now i'm pretty much a noob myself, but I do everything I can to show up when I say I will. And I try and avoid the Tent situation, when I have been tent, it's due to things having to happen/relying on others to get me to a game...saying that, posting tent is lame and I agree with any hosts who request for people not to do it. Too many people have a complete lack of consideration for others, which is the issue with flaking. Just figured there should be some way to keep those people accountable. Wouldn't know how to set it up myself though. Basically friends of mine are looking to host more games next season, we put days of work into setting up the games, and it's damn annoying when people just fail to show up. Any host knows this. Any player who show's up to games where a ton of people are missing knows this. Can anyone set this up, or is it info hosts will have to try and share with one another? JANUS - I like where your head is at, YES please. (Other people are cool too) |
Im a ASPX Programmer, I can set it up and write the software, but it is a considerable amount of effort to make it user friendly. I would need to sit down with a few of the hosts and see what kind of information they want to store in a database. It is a fair amount of work and unless I have the backing of the Community's hosts (I dont mean financial), it wont really be worth my time. Last thing i want is to make a tool noone will use.
Lastly, Brian is right, even once the software is finished, the game hosts have to participate and use it. I can think of a hundred ways this system can be abused (Tampering with data/falsifying data etc) so there must be some sort of understanding of the system as well as some sort of legitimization process of who can be called a host etc. Jay, Brian. Shoot me a pm if this interests you. |
I can see having problems with this, especially with someone with an erratic schedule like me. I sometimes find out last minute that I need to show for work or stay late. It doesn't happen often but it does and without prior warnings so would I get flaked for something like this or would that be at the game host's discretion? I'm not the most active player around but I try to make it if I can and not promise if there is a potential scheduling problem.
Ok i did not go through the 5 pages... But here, in Quebec, some host has started posting the names of the players who were not there, left early and all... Some go as far as not admitting them to their next game... No list, no rating, just well, your name stated out and the host will remember it... Just a hint, if its a repost, sorry, lol
I'm sorry but you're wrong! It will work, just try it... 1.Private fields a must. 2. People may still show late, but they won't be willing to throw away there money for nothing. 3rd It's on a physcological level, you commit with funds you feel obligated to show. |
probably not as long as it's made clear that there is that possibility of gettign screwed over by work. that's a legit reason if there is absolutely no way to avoid it. the point of this thread...and correct me if i'm wrong....is the chronic no shows. people that sign up for a game but dont show up without pulling out properly or letting the host know by posting in game thread and pm specifics later. i have no doubt that people can have legit reasons to not show up. work, wife, kids, death....real issues that just cant be avoided. though...again using this zombie game as the example....i highly doubt that 50% of the players signed up had some sort of unavoidable emergency on game day and couldnt post or pm this info. know what you're getting into. if it's a hardcore sim than you can be sure that you're going to need the right clothing and that you're going to be taking orders. if the game is in the spring or fall than you can be pretty sure that it's gonna be pretty cool out and there's a good chance of wet. waking up not "feeling" like it or being afraid of a fluffy white cloud in the sky on game day is no excuse to be inconsiderate to a GROUP of people that arent as soft as you are. i've known peope that will show up while sick as a dog. or hosts feel like they were on death's bed the night before or the morning of and still show up. this was never about choosing between life's truly unavoidable emergencies and our hobby. it's about the pansies, the inconsiderate, the "i dont care about anyone but me" crowd. the " i think i MIGHT wanna go so i'll take up a prime spot until i dont feel like it and not tell anyone" people. the i'll play this game if nothing better comes along type of attitude. |
1. Private fields are private...they're for playing with a closed group. That's great right!?! But it dies a strangling death when you're not letting in new blood. What if FTF closed it's doors to everyone who had not already been there? Or Harms Way? or Soldier Gear or Jayne Finch's, etc.... If you were the new guy just starting out...where would you play that wasn't fuck-around speedball? 2. The guys that show late are just shy of being worse than the guys who don't show!!! Why the hell should everyone stand around waiting for else to show after kick-off time?!?! Why should that be tolerated if the expectations are set otherwise? If a guy isn't motivated to get out of bed on a cold/rainy/early-morning game day....do you REALLY think $20 is going to matter to them when their alarm goes off? Is it REALLY going to make them stop drinking and go to bed earlier so they can make that game? Now...if you had to make a deposit of say $100 to a game/event fund...and if you flaked irresponsibly you'd loose your deposit and have to repay to be allowed to the games again...well then, now you're talking. But $20 to change such habitual problems...gimme a break. 3. That's true...if the amount of money outweighs the immediate easier route. If I'm sleepy, lazy, don't give a fuck about what you think...going to a game on a rainy/cold/early-morning just so I get some value for the $20 that's already out of my pocket....doesn't mean a whole hell of alot. If I was going to be out some substantial more money/access...then that risk would motivate me. Example...If I offered you a free CA Crane Stock...BNIB...but you had to drop what you were doing right now...haul ass from where-ever you are and get here NOW....would you do it? If so, was it because it was free...or was it because you wanted the stock? If not...was it because it wasn't a good enough deal...or because you didn't want the stock? . . . . . . . Now....I'll PAY you $20 to come take that stock...but same conditions. Is it for the money or want for the stock that you would or wouldn't do it? (hint...if it's for the $20...you have to learn to put more value in your time). If someone really wants to do something...money is not a motivator. |
hey tys...either way i'll see you in 30 minutes!!!!! hahahhaha
That offer was for CARL (since he put up the argument)...but he's still on line and hasn't left yet...so he must not want it...;)
you're such a tease :(
Some "Airsofters" will see it this way,and behave this way, but most will step up on a more consistent level. I'm not discounting your points, they do have weight & numbers will support your prognosis, but over all most people will fall under my conclusion. Brian also mentioned it has worked in the past, and i have seen it work. As for your answer on 1. Yes and no is my answer to that. By getting really good games going on Private owned fields, open to ASC, you will be able to get committed & motivated players out! By implementing a good environment, game play will rise to higher standards and only grow better players on a milsim level. This will help bring Airsoft back to what it was in Ontario, also the economy improving would help to and fewer/removal of gun laws...lol. |
Guys, based on the design I've come up with there is no need for a blacklist. Also the occasional no-show if you go to enough games won't significantly penalize you, but chronics will become obvious.
I would keep the system restricted to attendance, that way, its totally objective. Missing a game because your pet giraffe died is still missing a commitment. Nobody is interested in why. Perhaps if you miss a lot of games because you have a lot of pet giraffes and there is an infection on the loose in your backyard pen, you should consider not committing to a game during the outbreak. Excuses are like assholes, everyone has one. YouTube - Giraffe In Quicksand. |
prepaying can have it's merits in terms of getting those truely willing to commit to the game however most of those will show up regardless of prepay or pay at the door. brian's idea of using that method for bigger more resource intensive games is great. it'd be a waste of time for most smaller games though.
the flaker list really can stay as a flaker list. who cares about personal bias. you dont show up to someone's game? you might as well spit in their face. it is personal. let the flakers shoot themselves in the foot. they'll either chnage their ways or get out of airsoft when they realize that they have thousands of dollars collecting dust or it's just used to shoot soup cans in the basement. either way is good as far as i'm concerned. as far as rebuilding the community to feed a good sim like those 5 or more years ago? oh i doubt that'll happen unless you can convince most of the vets, seniors, crankies to come out of retirement. i dont think that'll happen without the influence of other vets, seniors or crankies at a word of mouth basis. this topic directly relates back to that as well. this passed weekend is the first time in my 10 years of play where there was a 50% no show. rediculous. i dont envy the amount of work that any host even thinking about running a large scale sim will have to go through with the current "talent" pool in this community. |
how many times hae we all lug out extra AEG/GBB to lend out to new players and they themself was a no show? players that is consistenly late have no respect for the host or other players, as for prepayment on big events i think it's a must but for regular game what's $20?? we spend more than that on after game meals |
Personally, I really dislike the idea of this. It just seems like it would bring up more trouble than good.
I live a good two/three hours away from some of the more active airsofting areas in Manitoba. I'd like to make as many games as I can, but honestly don't have the resources to be confident about my attendance. If I sign up for a game, and not be able to make it simply because I don't have the means of transport at the time, or that something comes up in my personal life. And I get penalized for it and get blacklisted for games in the future? No thanks. Sounds like a whole load of bullshit to me. I know people will say "If you're not sure, don't sign up at all." Well, sure. But if I do have the chance to show up, and haven't been added to the roster? That doesn't seem like it'd work too well. |
Last time I saw you post in to a game I dragged 3 of my friends with me just so we could get to shoot you and guess what happened ? You didn't show up and you never posted that you were out. |
don't sign up if you are not sure you can make it. how hard is that?
if you can't commit.. you don't belong on the roster. and yes you may be shut out of games that you could go to. TOO BAD FOR YOU. so .. it's cool for you to hold a spot and maybe keep someone who "has the resources to be confident about his attendance" out of the game .. and then not show up? You are a poster boy flakers everywhere. Bring up trouble for who... um... guys like you who can't sort their shit out more than a day in advance.. maybe? it's clear your position is self centered.. and you could give a rats ass about what your inability to meet your obligations means to anyone else. Quote:
Christ, Don't take it so personal.
I mean, airsoft is a game and hobby we all can enjoy. And there is no way in hell a person can guarentee their attendance to something we simply indulge in as a pass time, we are only human. Not only that, people who run games are perfectly capable of making rosters flexible for such an issue. For the games I have intended to join, i've given notification in advance whether I could make it or not. I'm not the type of asshole who'd just wait 'til the last day before pulling out, or give no notification at all. I just wish people would take into considoration that a lot of people have jobs and employers that fuck with you with a snap of their fingers. Not everyone has the assurance of being able to have X day off for the said event. And this applies to many things. Personally, I'd kill to be able to attend a weekly game throughout the summer, but my location and my current job and school schedual will not allow me that. |
Sorry for my newbie question but if I say Tent and don't show up, I'm bad then?
and really...how can the good folks not take that personally? it affects my enjoyment of my hobby...it affects MY time when people lack the common courtesy of posting something so simple as "sorry, got screwed by work...". how hard is that? not having a ride? sure...i'll buy that if your ride bails...i can relate to that one. but you live in Brandon....you might as well be in the middle of the freakin arctic. dont tell me you dont have access to a vehicle. if it's broeken than sure, it's legit...but again...not the point of this thread. clear enough? the considerate people wont be affected by a rating or a black list. why would anyone bother processing a name that was upstanding in the community? why go through the effort? it's the inconsiderate fucktards that like to waste peoples time that will end up having pretty much no where to play without commiting suicide by cop. Darwinism at it's best!!! i just feel bad for the cop that has to waste the bullet on a jackass like that. |
i had a few flakers last game. from now on i'm taking attendance. looks like i'm not the only one who is sick of it we'll see how it goes. |
Agreed. Tents are bothersome. I just need to know if you're in or not. That's all. I can't base numbers on tents
My two cents for what it's worth is this:
This past season we started a website just for the LZ. We integrated a self register system that was designed by Smith so that people could sign up for games on the teams they wanted, or add themselves to a waiting list. You could move yourself around and join the other team or remove yourself completely. The sad part is people would show up that did not sign up, and people didnt remove themselves in a timely manner if they had to bail. I kept a list of the chronic deserters and know who they are. Pre pay was an option we tossed around but never implemented simply because it's not a guarantee someone will show up. Sure we got your money regardless but big deal, it's not about the money. It's about the sheer lack of commitment and childish behavior that is forcing us to close the doors next year and only let in a few people. Yep the noobs are stuck and probably will not get invited in unless they are brought in by a respected/invited individual. I could give a rats ass if you don't have a car. Sort your shit out long before game day. We are all supposed to be adults in the sport but more and more I see childish 20 somethings ruining it for everyone. Grow the fuck up, take some responsibility for your actions or inactions and move forward. If you cant sort your shit out don't expect any sympathy from me or any other game host/field owner. Your fucking with them and that's not cool. I'm not in this to wipe noses and spoon feed anyone. Bottom line the immaturity and lack of commitment is what lead to the LZ being shut down to the public. My time is worth more than money just like yours so quit fucking with it and everyone else's. Ottawa is Unique in that we do not have the player base like Toronto or Calgary, Vancouver etc. So if you sign up for a game and don't show, it does effect the rest of us that were able to get our old fat asses out of bed and run all day having fun in the sun/rain. I just don't get this lazy fucking attitude displayed by a very large number of fairly new players. We gave you all the tools to sign up, coordinate a ride, rent a gun, buy gear but it just didn't work because the commitment wasn't there to begin with. |
Ya Tys it is...it what all the problems boil down to in the end. |
If you post Tentative you are just pissing off the host.. not sure.. don't post NO ONE CARES if maybe you will come |
If posting as tent pisses off the host, is bothersome, whatever; then it should be up to the host whether or not they wish to even bother listing tents in the game thread, or paying attention to them.
If you don't want people signing up as "tent" then simply don't permit that as an option, leave it as confirmed, or not going, no middle ground of uncertainty, and if someone says "I might go, throw me on tent" ignore it. As far as people confirming, and not showing up, or showing up hours late, well that one is just a dick move - usually. |
Unfortunately, this is why were having this discussion in the first place. |
I'm tentative on the issue.
Maybe its just pointless clutter to you as a game host, but to me as a player, I like to look through the thread and see that Larry and Curly are confirmed, and Moe might show up if he can get off work. It gives me a general idea of who I'll be seeing at the field.
+1 I agree with this post... |
I agree with your Avatar. Sexiest man in the world holding a 1911? Mm-mm good!
unless you have upwards of a hundred people showing up, a few people saying that they will try and get there probably is not going to clutter a thread so much that it becomes unusable.
come on guys. tents only take up space and waste people's time reading about. i for one have no interest in who MIGHT be there but who WILL be there. if billy is there good, if suzy is there than well...deal with it. |
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