Airsoft Canada

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VanillaKilla January 6th, 2012 19:29

TAKE AIM Airsoft Magazine comes to Canada!
I'm not sure where to post this, but figured a dedicated Airsoft Magazine relates to News and Airsoft in Canada so this section would be best....

Take Aim is one of the largest global publications dedicated to Airsoft, and the ONLY publication with dedicated Canadian content. We are pleased to announce the distribution of Take Aim within Canada, currently on sale at various retailers, and soon to be distributed at Chapters/Indigo. (Ask your favorite retailers to carry it as well if they don't have it already).

Take Aim has covered several Canadian events in 2011, including Op Mason Relic in the July Issue and Op Risky Sun from Calgary in the Sept issue. We are always looking for more Canadian events to cover and accept article submissions and photos from Canadian Teams to profile as well. This is your opportunity to have your airsoft pictures in print and distributed globally!

You can PM me with any questions or contact Take AIM Canada for subscriptions/article submissions at:

Canadian Press Desk -

swatt13 January 14th, 2012 22:45

AWESOME. is there a subscription we can buy?

VanillaKilla January 24th, 2012 11:50


Originally Posted by swatt13 (Post 1589331)
AWESOME. is there a subscription we can buy?

Yes! There is an annual subscription available, click on the "Canadian subscriptions" tab on this URL:

Again, We are actively seeking team or event profiles for an article in the next issue! Please PM me with any requests, thank-you!

anthon January 27th, 2012 11:32

50 dollars for a bi-monthly subscription is a bit steep no? That's only 6 issues a year, almos $10 dollars an issue.

Halestormx January 27th, 2012 12:07

gotta work at getting a lower sub. cost. its way too high. otherwise i would have signed up right now! anyway i do look forward to seeing this on the shelves soon

Conker January 27th, 2012 12:12

That's interesting. I'll keep an eye out for them (if they're even distributed in Quebec?) to check them out.

Grudge January 27th, 2012 12:30

A good suggestion would be to make one into a PDF that can be downloaded from your site. Then people can sample your magazine. Many, myself included, will not risk an expensive subscription cost before see if the magazine is worth it!

You could also look at lowering you subscription costs by offering a digital version!

swatt13 January 27th, 2012 16:00

i dont think $10 a mag is not too bad. i bought uk mags at the news stand for almost $15 a piece

drk242 January 27th, 2012 16:10

had a subscription let it laps great mag pics great , .... had anual subscription missed 3 issues and were always late. small in comparison to AI and little to do with canada

Armyissue January 27th, 2012 16:25

Got a Subscrition to an all CDN content Weekly issues and your letter to the editors are always printed. Articles are published frequently and the Q&A section is Comprehensive and fully informative. The Advertisments are not in the middle of the article and no looking for missing page 43. The Classifieds in the back are Big, Illustrated,with Glossy Pics and easy to respond too. Its always guarrenteed on time delivery or its free. You can buy a subscription here on AirSoftCanada for as little as $5. Paper is so 1986 Dude get an i-Pood and catch up.

baker_Jeff January 27th, 2012 16:59

We carry these and they are available on our website for $8.95 + GST. Not really cheap on their own with our flat rate shipping of $13, but bundle with other products and you're good to go!


Noob7_0 January 27th, 2012 17:55

I might be interested in a digital version.

a_sock January 27th, 2012 18:00

I think that if you posted one copy of an issue as a pdf it would greatly improve my own, as well as others, interest in getting a subscription. If you buy a magazine anywhere else you always flip through a few pages to see if its a good issue.

If I ever buy from someone who carries them I will pick up a copy, could be interesting to see what an international airsoft mag has to offer.

VanillaKilla January 27th, 2012 21:48

Thanks for the several PM's regarding purchase locations in your area and team/event content. We will be contacting you shortly regarding interview times to include for upcoming issues.

Although this is the largest global airsoft magazine, this is a new magazine to Canada and new with Canadian content. New retail sales locations across Canada are being added every day. Thanks for your patience as these agreements get finalized. A digital version is currently in process for sale on Itunes and we hope to have that released ASAP as well.

In the mean time, for those who wish to sample the content, we are happy to send the last issue along with any current issue purchase. (That's 2 separate issues for the price of 1! $8.95 CDN). Please refer to for a single issue order and we will include last month's issue at No Charge.

Porkchop January 28th, 2012 00:27

Well, have to say that I was a little worried about the frequency of the magazine but thus far all issues have been showing up on time for my subscription.
Content is ok.

But due to financial constraints I shall not be renewing.

KheSan March 21st, 2012 13:32


A good suggestion would be to make one into a PDF that can be downloaded from your site. Then people can sample your magazine. Many, myself included, will not risk an expensive subscription cost before see if the magazine is worth it!

You could also look at lowering you subscription costs by offering a digital version!

PrIeSt March 21st, 2012 13:57

As much as is love to sign up. At almost 10 bucks an issue. There's no savings on A subscription.

Imperial Airsoft April 11th, 2012 12:37

Thanks for the feedback everyone, we will work with Take Aim and see what options are on the table.

chadcushway April 11th, 2012 12:42


Originally Posted by KheSan (Post 1625608)

I am totally for an electronic version. Living in the sticks any subs that I used to have would arrive mangled. I have since changed almost totally over to electronic versions. This is way better and you get the mag as soon as the issue is released in pristine format. Did take me a bit to get used to reading this stuff on an iPad but it is worth it.

Crunchmeister April 11th, 2012 12:54

Interested, but I too think the subscription price outweighs the quantity of content you get. Even the $37 US price for US subscriptions is bordering on a bit steep for only 6 issues. Buying a single mag at a newsstand for $6, I'm ok with. Buying a subscription at the same price, not so much.

Grizzly0679 April 12th, 2012 21:57

First off nice job on the magazine. Good way to get this sport known.

Digital version is a great idea, I think. I'm not sure how to cut costs for a magazine and still keep the same margins though(maybe cheaper paper?).

Digital media is the way of the future, and social media even on top of that so catering to that market would be smart. People today definitely spend more time in front of screens than they do in local Magazine stores; I know because I'm an avid reader and I've seen all my favorite places close over the years, and having to diversify their products because selling magazines alone won't do.

A relevant anecdote. I remember working at a sporting good shop a long time ago and my boss was talking about the Bowflex and what a piece of shit it was, but we sold tons because people wanted it. Why? Bowflex didn't sell a lot because they were good, in fact most buyers of the demographic they were catering to tended to only use the machines seldomly once they had it(they turned into coat hangers as we'd say), and anyone with a good sense of athletic knowledge were usually buying higher end machines or free weights which are ultimately better. But Bowflex bought tons of advertising time on TV and shoved that product down all our throats to the point where I can just say the name and everyone knows what I mean. Kinda like the Slap Chop. It sucks. I've cut myself bad twice and eventually broke it on...wait for onion. But even I thought it was the magic piece my kitchen was missing; the solution to all my time problems.

My point here is that we're a lazy society, always staring at screens in one form or another, and most us of don't have tons of expendable cash (especially with today's economy) so we're always looking for a good deal. Bowflex won by being affordable and easily available to people via phone call from your couch.. slumped over in a guilt-ridden position staring at your gut thinking, "I gotta get into shape"

JerryMcGoulBerry June 21st, 2012 02:48

I got a copy at imperial. mostly American stuff Canadian dream of.

Imperial Airsoft June 21st, 2012 10:34


Originally Posted by JerryMcGoulBerry (Post 1669305)
I got a copy at imperial. mostly American stuff Canadian dream of.

We totally hear you and we are looking for anyone wanting to submit content (Event Reviews, Team Profiles, Gear Reviews) from the East. Compensation will be provided in the form for free product or store credit.

PM us if you’re interested. This is a great opportunity to show other Canadians as well as our friends to the south what Airsoft is like here in Canada.

Snipereagle August 7th, 2012 15:23

About time
Iam fairly new to the sport and love the fact we have a publication mag and look about forward to reeding my first addition.Chapters was mentioned as a retailor i hope so.Oh by the way does anybody know the situation about ording guns off line say airsplat or ehobby and are there any custom issues anymore.Iam sure i posted in the wrong spot but hey iam a new ill figure it out though and look forward to a match against your team ha ha my sons and i will prevail stay on target.

PrIeSt August 8th, 2012 09:34

Contacted about content but never heard back from you guys.

TotoHurteau August 10th, 2012 03:59

I paid 130$ for a year subscribtion + 1 special isssue to Airsoft International and take aim look pretty thin from the amount of content of the cover...

SuperHog August 10th, 2012 23:39

I stopped buying any kind of magazines years ago, I find that the internet is more current.

So a digital format is also preferred.

paulm November 1st, 2013 17:53

Haven't been on this forum for a while. Noticed the thread for Take Aim magazine. I wonder if this is published by the very same guys who used to sell it for a short time here in the UK? And then disappeared taking with them a lot of subscriber's money!

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